Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT and I went out to look for brake cables, which we failed to find, but we did find that they've brought the street round the corner up to date, well, up to Wol's village date anyway:


They've even installed a greengrocer/pheasant shop, and another specialising in baskets:

Sadly, it'll all be gone by the end of the week, when they finish filming "Death comes to Pemberley".

In the light of that Tory suggestion that people should be able to park on double yellows for a short while, I think this person has been here for more than 15 minutes:

It was lots of fun watching them construct and dress the set. I'm working in the area tomorrow, so I'm hoping to get a look at a bit of filming. I don't think we'll be collecting from that street though!


Über Member
South Liverpool
Morning all!! No :cuppa: yet i don't believe it!! taken me half hr to get to tea thread need a 2nd cup now to keep going.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Morning all. We had nearly 9 hours sleep last night - we were completely done in after 52 miles into a headwind. Today we've decided to do about 30 miles - the wind is averaging 28mph into our faces. We've done 10 miles so far averaging 8mph - I don't think I'll beat any Strava record :giggle: we've just crossed over the bridge at the exit of the Eider into the North Sea. There are some serious flood defences on show.

The Primus stove is on. :cuppa: anyone? (We've Yorkshire tea bags)

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MORNING ROCKY IS IT A BIT WINDY ................. I SAID .............. IS IT A BIT WINDY


West Somerset
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