Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Oh good, you've got it. Keep it, and the rain. :rain:

I will play with it for a while then sent it back to you ^_^


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Well, today's motorway idiocy was interesting. We're in lane 1, and NT remarks on a small white van sitting lane 2 as we pass it - lane one is doing 50-60ish, this chap is going slower, earphones in, clearly quite 'switched off'. I looked in the mirror and said yes, you'd think he'd notice that huge red HGV up his chuff wouldn't you?

Whereupon, the huge red HGV pulls out into lane 3! and overtakes the van, and then a couple of other cars, before pulling back into the middle lane. Easily doing over 60, so not only using the forbidden lane 3, but speeding for the vehicle class. This in rain and heavy surface water.

Later on, this truck is still in lane 2, and we go to pass in in lane 3. This all in a 50 limit zone through roadworks. As we are level with the cab, he speeds up and starts indicating right! NT couldn't go any faster as we were already at 50, and eventually the truck drops back a little, only to speed up when the road goes downhill, to do 60 or more again, so we let him go, and eventually overtake after the road works when it's safe to do it at a better speed differential.

A Hungarian registered plate, clearly has no idea about British traffic law or the meaning of those numbers flashing on the overhead gantries....

Anyway, we're back now, and having :cuppa:. Might wander out later, might not.


Home from my motorway shinanigans, three and a half hours to get to London, two crashes and a van fire to negotiate-must be Monday. Fortunately I was on company time, so no need to stress, I get paid the same. No crab sandwiches in bus shelters for me (how the other half live) I had a whopper meal in the services.

Anyway, since arriving home I have changed a tap washer, showered and prepped tea for Lu. Perfect husband or what?
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