Tea? (Part 2)

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Thanks biscuit. Back working in Leicester today, but first drop the car off for its service and mot.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
I've just been out for a quick 7 miler with the touring bike fully laden - front and rear panniers and tent. All seems ok albeit a bit slow. Tomorrow we set off for Esbjerg and the North Coast cycle path. Yippie

A gallon of :cuppa: is now needed. Packing and planning is far more tiring than cycling :smile:

Whats wrong with a hotel ;)


Vice Admiral
*passes :cuppa:*

I'm exhausted. All I seem to be doing is sleeping or wanting to sleep. :tired: Unlike the dog who is currently bouncing off the walls.

I feel the same way, Jo. :hugs:

Tasha the cat, is happily dozing in the shade under some large shrubs. She still does not show any signs of missing Leo. In a way that is good thing, because if she was pining for him, that would be very upsetting for me. She has a garden to rest in, a field to chase mices in, and a comfy home with good food, what more could she want?
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