Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Back from walking the dog. The footpath seems to have been taken over by triffids in my absence. Would have stopped to take a photo but didn't dare linger. :surrender:
Everywhere is really lush, isn't it! I ended up getting several nettle stings on one local path which was almost as blocked as a Tour de France climb ...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Back from walking the dog. The footpath seems to have been taken over by triffids in my absence. Would have stopped to take a photo but didn't dare linger. :surrender:

I'm re-reading Day of the Triffids at the moment, it's making my morning walk across the reserve quite exciting.


My Armchair
Back from walking the dog. The footpath seems to have been taken over by triffids in my absence. Would have stopped to take a photo but didn't dare linger. :surrender:
Similar on the TPT this week, very overgrown in places, my bare naked legs were in danger of getting nettle rash this morning :B)

Home to find we have no water, burst main down the road apparently :rolleyes: (luckily there was just enough of a trickle to fill the kettle for :cuppa:


Wa? Uh? Zzzzz Zzzzz

Night Train

Maker of Things
I am off to a 'self employment ideas workshop' run by the local council.
I delayed going to York this week so that I could attend this workshop.

Having got to The Walkden Gateway for 9.30 where the workshop was advertised to be on at 10-11am I asked at reception and found that no one knew about it. With much back and forth phone calling on my behalf they finally found out that the venue had been changed and the workshop was now at my local Fire station!
By now it was 10.30 and I had no chance of getting back, finding somewhere to park, and getting into the workshop to make it useful.:cursing:

What a waste of a morning! I might as well have come over to York on Monday and made things easier for for everyone and myself.
No best pleased that the Council didn't think to advise the Walkden Gateway of the venue change so that they could redirect people.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Didn't do the WNRttP this week, but I have just got in from a ride. And I stopped at a pub :cheers:
Looks like my Dad is dragging me kicking and screaming into a pub next Thursday.
He'll doubtless force me to drink alcohol too, the fiend.
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