Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
One for @Lullabelle



My Armchair
I think it's on its second series, so maybe a year or so? I sometimes listen to the odd episode on iPlayer, but I don't follow it as much as the regular show. I get the gist from Twitter anyway!
I think I'd heard of it before but had thought it was just behind the scenes stuff or interviews, didn't know it was more 'action' :thumbsup:
The one I've just listened to was Matt & Lilian on holiday.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Are USBs more reliable/less corruptible/less likely to deteriorate than disks and memory cards?
Work on the assumption that all devices can and will fail eventually, so have enough backups to cover those eventualities.

I lost a hard drive full of photos, and other stuff that I wanted to keep which taught me a lesson about backups.

A colleague lost an entire year's worth of work when his HDD packed up at work. It was unbelievable that he hadn't even got a backup on the company LAN! Two other colleagues lost several weeks worth of work when their HDDs packed up.

My niece killed the HDD in her laptop. Not backed up ...

I've known people lose their university projects from floppy disks (remember them!).

Memory sticks - they die!

Memory cards - they die!

Even if you keep multiple copies, remember not to keep them all in the same building - you don't want a thief or a fire to get all of them in one fell swoop!

Which reminds me - my USB backup HDD is still attached to my desktop PC upstairs but I have been using this laptop downstairs for a year since I got ill and ... er, I haven't backed it up!!! :blush:

Note to self - begin new backup regime on laptop in the morning! :laugh:

Night Train

Maker of Things
Note to self - begin new backup regime on laptop in the morning! :laugh:
Lets hope it is still working in the morning!:laugh:

I remember an electrical job I was doing years decades ago, late 80's IIRC.
Someone tried to put a shelf up under the fuse box and drilled through a cable blowing one of the fuses.
The woman in the house let me in to do the repair and said she had to go to work but her son was in writing his thesis for Uni and he would be able to make tea or whatever. I set to work digging out the damaged cable to put in a joint and got to the point where I had to turn off the power to the fuse box.
I shouted out to the lad "I need to turn the power off for a while. Will that be ok?".
He shouted back, "Yeah fine!"
I flicked the switch and then heard a scream from the lad.:ohmy:
I asked if he was ok and he just said "Yeah! No! Yeah! No!"

I then heard him on the phone before he brought the phone to me to speak to his Mum.

His Mum told me he had been writing his thesis on a computer when I flicked the switch and had lost everything as he hadn't been backing it up. She told me not to worry and just get the job done as it was 'his stupid own fault'. ^_^


Puzzle game procrastinator!
His Mum told me he had been writing his thesis on a computer when I flicked the switch and had lost everything as he hadn't been backing it up. She told me not to worry and just get the job done as it was 'his stupid own fault'. ^_^
Many years ago, my ex had spent hours typing out some important university work from her hand-written notes and had not saved her work. She got tired and decided to finish the last couple of pages in the morning. I saw her go to shut down the PC and a popup box appeared which warned her what she was about to do. She went to click on the OK button and I shouted to her to stop, but it was too late. She asked why I had shouted and I told her that she had just thrown away hours of work. She denied it, so I asked her to start the computer back up and show me where she had saved it. Of course, it was nowhere to be found. Zilch. Nothing! :thumbsdown:

She looked stressed out and close to tears so I took pity on her and volunteered to retype the essay on 2 conditions ...
  1. That she always saved her work at regular intervals in future
  2. She would never again click OK before reading the message on the popup box first!

Night Train

Maker of Things
I learnt from that poor lads experience and whenever I open a new word doc the first thing I do is save it with a suitable name and formatting.
My Office package is set up to auto save every three minutes and to save on shut down.
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