Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

I've got nearly 400 photos to go through at some point today. :ohmy:

It was, to borrow Dickens, the best of times and the worst of the times. Very much an emotional roller coaster for me. The small area of Paris that I explored was beautiful. The crowds on the Champs-Élysées were much more manageable than I anticipated. I nearly cried when Millar was finally swallowed up by the peloton. My mental health took a real battering. The trip was a test run for potential plans this autumn and the results aren't promising. I'll never forget what it was like, standing on the Champs-Élysées in the searing heat of the afternoon sun (the tarmac round the Arc de Triomphe was melting at midday!), watching the sun move round the sky and then finally sink behind the Arc de Triomphe as the nearly-full moon rose from the Place de la Concorde and the Jardin des Tuileries.

Can you adapt your autumn plans, in light of this trip?

Sounds like a good time was had though. I like France very much, although my preference would be for touring the more rural areas, it's like stepping back to the 1950's. I've only 'done' Paris on a coach trip, where we were rather shunted about from place to place.


West Somerset
Short-arse :giggle:

Takes one to know one :thumbsup:

Can you adapt your autumn plans, in light of this trip?
Possibly. Though perhaps best to reconcile myself to a complete change and a long postponement.

Sounds like a good time was had though. I like France very much, although my preference would be for touring the more rural areas, it's like stepping back to the 1950's. I've only 'done' Paris on a coach trip, where we were rather shunted about from place to place.
I've fallen in love with the Parisian architecture. Could easily have spent many more days happily staring up at the buildings. The landscape between Paris and Calais got very boring very fast ... would love to explore the Normandy coastline though.


For those who like to swan off to Paris and eat their breakfast pastries, I think you should know of the misery caused by the farming of these flaky treats



Midlands UK
Takes one to know one :thumbsup:

Possibly. Though perhaps best to reconcile myself to a complete change and a long postponement.

I've fallen in love with the Parisian architecture. Could easily have spent many more days happily staring up at the buildings. The landscape between Paris and Calais got very boring very fast ... would love to explore the Normandy coastline though.

I was most impressed with the Louvre.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
The Musee D'Orsay is worth a visit, an old railway station turned into a gallery of mostly Impressionists. And a very stylish and grandiose cafe...


Legendary Member
Evening All :hello: My 'puter also played up a bit yesterday everyone had what looked like coded or welsh user names, and crashed every time I tried to open a file. MasterGM the family geek soon fixed it.

@coffeejo welcome back, glad you had a good weekend. Looking forward to the pics:thumbsup:

In other news I was in the garden centre the weekend, and queuing up at the till and I noticed these on a shelf.....

and I stared at these what seemed like minutes thinking where have I seen that name before. Then, it dawned on me.........

@Marshmallow_Fluff ...... Hi Fluffy long time no see!:hello:


Legendary Member
You're welcome, they had a whole shelf full of them. Handy for your tour next week, plenty of carbs:thumbsup:
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