Tea? (Part 2)

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South Somerset
We were in the Latin Quarter as well on Saturday night. :highfive:

The most overpriced item of food I purchased was the sandwich I bought in Waitrose at Fleet Services on the way home.

The eurotunnel cafe in calais was good value, we thought it would be silly money.

The latin qtr was pretty good, we had a pig roast rotissery thing at 15 euro each :hungry:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
It has thundered and rained this morning but it is still quite warm, my garden seems to be enjoying the rain.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Guess who made the front cover of Velovision?

I did is as a nice surprise for Arch. She finally got a copy this morning!:thumbsup:


West Somerset
Did someone mention :cuppa:?

There is lots :hyper:

Night Train

Maker of Things
The used Velux window I installed, and made copper flashings for is water tight. Not a drop came in during the storm.:thumbsup:

Not that I had any doubts, oh no, I had absolute confidence in my work. None of the holes I put in my roof have leaked, only the one someone else put in caused problems. Mine are absolutely fine and functional, as can be expected.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I have just overcome a major blockage in my journey through my mental illness.:wahhey:

I got into my workshop and set about sharpening some of my edge tools. I now have a set of razor sharp chisels and a block plane, and little hair left on my left wrist*:thumbsup:
The chisels are so sharp that one of them sliced through the leather pouch I keep them in!
Good thing I spotted it before I rolled up the pouch! :ohmy:

I will clear the sharpening area properly soon and set to sharpening the rest of my tools soon.

*I test the sharpness of the edges by shaving the hair off my left hand and arm. The hairs should 'spring off' the full width of the blade edge if it is sharp enough.:thumbsup:


South Somerset
Had an Email from Strava saying one of my KOMs had been lost, so had to go and get it back ^_^

not good when my ankles are the size of melons at the moment thanks to a 17 hour coach trip with no A/C

(Had to be done tho :hyper:)
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