Tea? (Part 2)

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Vice Admiral
I have some Baklava. ^_^ Also in the freezer is a box of Cornetto Strawberry Enigmas. Not forgetting some small bottles of Tuborg. ^_^

The heavy rain last night has battered some of my taller plants. :sad: When they dry out a bit, I will see if the damage is permanent.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
... not good when my ankles are the size of melons at the moment thanks to a 17 hour coach trip with no A/C
Yikes, that sounds like potential DVT territory. It only took about 8 or 9 hours of travelling in discomfort to cause mine ... :eek:

According to the NHS website, watch out for
  • pain, swelling and tenderness in one of your legs (usually your calf)
  • a heavy ache in the affected area
  • warm skin in the area of any clot
  • redness of your skin, particularly at the back of your leg, below the knee


South Somerset
Yikes, that sounds like potential DVT territory. It only took about 8 or 9 hours of travelling in discomfort to cause mine ... :eek:

According to the NHS website, watch out for
  • pain, swelling and tenderness in one of your legs (usually your calf)
  • a heavy ache in the affected area
  • warm skin in the area of any clot
  • redness of your skin, particularly at the back of your leg, below the knee

They are going down quite quickly, ive got some veins back lol.

But thanks for the heads up, i will keep an eye on the above symptoms. :cheers:


Evenings, back from the smoke, the humid weather made the city even more yuk than usual. Anyway, doing it all again tomorrow, and I'm taking a 21 year old girl with me, to teach her some new techniques.

BTW, Tulisa was asking after Rocky.
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