Tea? (Part 2)

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South Somerset
Morning all.

@coffeejo hope you had a good time, we need to compare notes :thumbsup:


West Somerset
Morning all.

@coffeejo hope you had a good time, we need to compare notes :thumbsup:


I've got nearly 400 photos to go through at some point today. :ohmy:

It was, to borrow Dickens, the best of times and the worst of the times. Very much an emotional roller coaster for me. The small area of Paris that I explored was beautiful. The crowds on the Champs-Élysées were much more manageable than I anticipated. I nearly cried when Millar was finally swallowed up by the peloton. My mental health took a real battering. The trip was a test run for potential plans this autumn and the results aren't promising. I'll never forget what it was like, standing on the Champs-Élysées in the searing heat of the afternoon sun (the tarmac round the Arc de Triomphe was melting at midday!), watching the sun move round the sky and then finally sink behind the Arc de Triomphe as the nearly-full moon rose from the Place de la Concorde and the Jardin des Tuileries.


South Somerset

I've got nearly 400 photos to go through at some point today. :ohmy:

It was, to borrow Dickens, the best of times and the worst of the times. Very much an emotional roller coaster for me. The small area of Paris that I explored was beautiful. The crowds on the Champs-Élysées were much more manageable than I anticipated. I nearly cried when Millar was finally swallowed up by the peloton. My mental health took a real battering. The trip was a test run for potential plans this autumn and the results aren't promising. I'll never forget what it was like, standing on the Champs-Élysées in the searing heat of the afternoon sun (the tarmac round the Arc de Triomphe was melting at midday!), watching the sun move round the sky and then finally sink behind the Arc de Triomphe as the nearly-full moon rose from the Place de la Concorde and the Jardin des Tuileries.

Downloading our pics now.

We loved it, but (and i will do a full report at some time) our tour coach had no air con due to it giving up at the tunnel and our hotel was interesting.

Not sure where you went, but we ended up at the video screen at the arc (having spent most of the day around that area)

And, well it had to be done........:laugh:



My Armchair
Morning :hello:

Always 'interesting' getting the bike out while it's thunder and lightening outside :unsure:

Strong coffee to recover from the shock of getting wet after weeks of dry weather :cuppa:


Formerly EbonyWillow
Finallu we have some humidity busting thunderstorms!! I was on the beach with the dog at the time though so we both got drenched:biggrin: It was most refreshing. Now time to put the kettle on!! ;)


West Somerset
Are you calling us little cakes :unsure:
It was meant to be cupcakes!

So looking at the pouring rain, exactly why was it Jo went to watch the TDF again :ohmy:
No rain in Paris all weekend :tongue:

Make sure you get close the the caravan at the start of the race so that you can get lots of freebies, especially the Haribo van. Have fun :thumbsup:
Nothing. :cry:

I wonder if Jo has dyed hers :whistle:

Look for someone standing on a box :thumbsup:
I was actually standing on a stool :blush: Worked though - not just because it meant I could actually see (especially as Very Tall Man pushed his way to the front :cursing:) but it also stopped me getting claustrophobic.

Today I celebrate :cheers: six years of being on this forum. ^_^

I am drinking a glass of white Burgundy. :cheers:


West Somerset

1 x lemonade
1 x Grapefruit juice

Cost 16 euros :blink:

I even took a photo of the bill.


Saturday night's dinner came to 48 euros for the both of us: delicious main meals plus puddings, a bottle of beer and an orange juice, and on race day we each got a massive (and very tasty) baguette and 2 bottles of fizzy pop for 8 euros :becool:
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