Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
What about a baby elephant and a giant football?



twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Evenings :hello:
Someone mention Baklava! Funny enough I was thinking of stopping off on my commute home this afternoon in the Turkish / Greek area of Green Lanes Haringey to buy some, but I settled for a Magnum instead.

Do you feel lucky punk? - do you? Go on make my day :laugh:
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Vice Admiral
On a much sadder note, I have some bad news.

Leo stopped eating last Friday, and looked exhausted, wobbley and disorientated. On Saturday he spent most of the day hidden in the garden. I stayed up until about 2am looking after him. When I woke again at about 5am he was unable to move, and his breathing was eratic. At 8am I had to take him to the Vet where he died later on that morning. :cry:He was at least fifteen years old.

The diagnosis by the Vet was liver failure. Leo had been seen by the Vet about three weeks ago. Nothing serious was found then. He could have had a series of blood tests, but I did not want to subject him to that. He then perked up over the following weeks. I do not think anything can be done for liver failure.


West Somerset
On a much sadder note, I have some bad news.

Leo stopped eating last Friday, and looked exhausted, wobbley and disorientated. On Saturday he spent most of the day hidden in the garden. I stayed up until about 2am looking after him. When I woke again at about 5am he was unable to move, and his breathing was eratic. At 8am I had to take him to the Vet where he died later on that morning. :cry:

Oh Speicher, I'm so sorry :sad:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
So sorry to hear that Speicher.:sad:

He'll have had a fine life with you. And it sounds like the end was relatively quick when it came. Not much comfort, I know, but...


Vice Admiral
He had a garden to explore and a large field at the end of the garden to try and catch mousies. This is a cul de sac, so there was little traffic. Then in 2008 he gained Tasha as a baby sister, and they got on together very well.

I will be scattering his ashes by the stump of the tree that was chopped down earlier this year. He liked sitting on that tree stump for some reason.
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