Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member

Busy day yesterday. Did the 20 miles into town and back with Snipe and the trailer to help a friend move an intact 6'x4' shed to a random spot in the garden, put up a new 6'x8' shed in its place and then move the smaller one to a proper home next to the new one. :heat: Her son and his girlfriend headed for home once that lot was finished, leaving us to sort through the Shed Stuff and put it all away. We managed to disturb a nest of bumblebees who were not at all happy. Nobody got stung but they kept getting underfoot and I squashed a few by mistake. :blush:

Bumblebee murderer! Boo!!! ^_^


Legendary Member
I've fallen in love......there's a really cute looking bulldog who lives near us. He is probably about a year old and has a lovely strut (as though he owns the place) as he walks across the park with his owner.

Now how do I break it to Mrs R that I'd like one :smile:

They (dogs) can be a bit of a tie. If you cycling from Denmark to Holland soon, maybe wait till after. ?


Legendary Member
Yorkshire.....can't be doing with anything more high profile :laugh:

A pint of Yorkshire please, just a touch of moo juice, and def no sugar....I'm sweet enough. * cough *

As for Dave on tour, yes my Mum has him as she has dog too, and lives about 15 miles away. However since she bought her VW camper van and plans to disappear on a regular basis, I've had to think about the kennels. He sulked for 2 weeks last time.
I'd like to think I could do the doggy cart thing like @coffeejo but then it's gotta be camping all the way. Not too many B&Bs dog friendly, and YHA can't cater for our 4 legged friend.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
:hello: I appear to have reached the exhaustion side of the insomnia after very little sleep for 4 days :sad: the :sun: has also disappeared this is not a good thing.

Brain is not functioning at all made Squidge's lunch before I realised it was already made & in the fridge (I had done it last night) at that point I called quits on the school run and shoved Squidge at 2 doors up to take to school with her brood


West Somerset
I'd like to think I could do the doggy cart thing like @coffeejo but then it's gotta be camping all the way. Not too many B&Bs dog friendly, and YHA can't cater for our 4 legged friend.
I'm pondering camping options this summer though the bike will definitely need a more hill-friendly rear cassette first. My friend doesn't have any problems towing her dog and trailer, but she wisely uses her mountain bike for that!

:hello: I appear to have reached the exhaustion side of the insomnia after very little sleep for 4 days :sad: the :sun: has also disappeared this is not a good thing.

Brain is not functioning at all made Squidge's lunch before I realised it was already made & in the fridge (I had done it last night) at that point I called quits on the school run and shoved Squidge at 2 doors up to take to school with her brood


Legendary Member
Last time I walked the Pennine Way, I met a guy doing the walk with his dog. They were camping. He had a huge rucksack mostly filled with tins of dog food and water for the dog. The dog looked really happy. The guy looked completely worn out. :giggle:

I have a dog rucksack that goes over the dog, so he can carry his own fecking food n water. Not doing that again. ( Hadrians Wall ). Camping all the way. :wacko:


Vice Admiral
May I suggest that nobody ever buys any Baklawa from Ocado. You will not like it at all, no no not at all. :whistle:;)

If any Baklawa should drop into your shopping basket, you know, of course, that I will be very pleased to take care of this problem for you. ^_^


Legendary Member
God I'm Hungry now. :hungry:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Baklava is vile vile stuff you are quite correct. xx(

Pool is re-filling after being emptied and chlorine tablets have been dropped in it to stop it going green by Sunday - pool cover has been found and will be employed once it is full too.

Dodgey plastic garden chairs recovered from around the side of the shed and cleaned. Garden tables all cleaned too.

Dog poo boy booked for Sunday morning ^_^

I think I have a blood caffeine levels around 90% so might just make it through today and then this evening fake baileys will be employed to ensure sleep!

Night Train

Maker of Things
This just arrived in the post!:hungry:

Cheers @User :thumbsup:

Do I now need to deliver a 24" full suspension BSO to you? :unsure:
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