Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
NT, sit down and relax old chap, there's slways tomorrow.
Tomorrow morning I am taking my mum for a medical scan (it said something about 'in the event of cancer being found...' on the appointment letter, could be nothing) and I am having a blood test to check my prostate.
Then in the afternoon I am fitting an external garden tap for my neighbour.
Then I am making some shelves and wooden shelf brackets for fitting on Sunday.
Then on Friday I have a psychotherapy appointment in the morning.
Then over to York to deliver the frame jig rails I built today.
Then staffing a charity concert in the evening with Arch.
Then Saturday a visit to the NRM to see the A4s.
Then drive back home, with Arch, to do some plaster boarding in the bathroom.
Then shelf fitting, fence fixing, bird box hanging for a friend on Sunday.
Then I think I might have a glass of wine and a rest.:wacko:


Legendary Member
Tomorrow morning I am taking my mum for a medical scan (it said something about 'in the event of cancer being found...' on the appointment letter, could be nothing) and I am having a blood test to check my prostate.
Then in the afternoon I am fitting an external garden tap for my neighbour.
Then I am making some shelves and wooden shelf brackets for fitting on Sunday.
Then on Friday I have a psychotherapy appointment in the morning.
Then over to York to deliver the frame jig rails I built today.
Then staffing a charity concert in the evening with Arch.
Then Saturday a visit to the NRM to see the A4s.
Then drive back home, with Arch, to do some plaster boarding in the bathroom.
Then shelf fitting, fence fixing, bird box hanging for a friend on Sunday.
Then I think I might have a glass of wine and a rest.:wacko:

I'm taking my kids camping....wanna swap? :wacko:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Tomorrow morning I am taking my mum for a medical scan (it said something about 'in the event of cancer being found...' on the appointment letter, could be nothing) and I am having a blood test to check my prostate.
Then in the afternoon I am fitting an external garden tap for my neighbour.
Then I am making some shelves and wooden shelf brackets for fitting on Sunday.
Then on Friday I have a psychotherapy appointment in the morning.
Then over to York to deliver the frame jig rails I built today.
Then staffing a charity concert in the evening with Arch.
Then Saturday a visit to the NRM to see the A4s.
Then drive back home, with Arch, to do some plaster boarding in the bathroom.
Then shelf fitting, fence fixing, bird box hanging for a friend on Sunday.
Then I think I might have a glass of wine and a rest.:wacko:


You know what, we could say 'bother the plasterboarding', and do something fun and relaxing on Saturday instead. I know I push to get it done, but sometimes you need a rest!

And a glass of wine!


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I have a husband going AWOL till Sunday night, I have to clean the house, tidy the garden & cut all the hedges, shop for a 3 year olds birthday party, make all the food for said party set it all out, keep track of chaotic friends on who is and is not coming, blow up 75 balloons, make bunting, bake a birthday cake, millions of scones, pick the strawberries and make the jam for the scones, decorate the garden, whilst looking after a 3 year old, 7 year old and the dog on my own and then have a garden full of mental friends & relatives and various aged small children and drink enough pimms to cope with it all whilst not appearing drunk in charge of various aged children, remember who gave User76 what present as they give them to her and she rips them open with abandonment so that "she" can write appropriate notes to say thank you afterwards (that means she paints pictures & I write thank you for x on the back) then when we have presents not matched to people try and get out of the un-matched people what they did get her. Referee the usual family niggles and keep friends that do not like each other apart so they do not snipe infront of the children and say lalala really loudly when the odd person forgets themselves and swears infront of the small people!


Midlands UK
Good morning all :hello:


West Somerset

Busy day yesterday. Did the 20 miles into town and back with Snipe and the trailer to help a friend move an intact 6'x4' shed to a random spot in the garden, put up a new 6'x8' shed in its place and then move the smaller one to a proper home next to the new one. :heat: Her son and his girlfriend headed for home once that lot was finished, leaving us to sort through the Shed Stuff and put it all away. We managed to disturb a nest of bumblebees who were not at all happy. Nobody got stung but they kept getting underfoot and I squashed a few by mistake. :blush:
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