Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
Are they made out of tow ropes?:whistle:


Über Member
South Liverpool
I don't mind it being this hot when off work! But in a warehouse with a tin roof and no air circulation it's horrible!!


Über Member
South Liverpool
Same here I'm off yesterday and today! :smile: just doing some domestic chores then watch some cricket, and this a'noon I've got a mate coming round so I can fettle his laptop for him and also I'll watch the tour time trials rather than the highlights later! Oh and post a few bits on here!! ;) (peddling not allowed):sad:


Legendary Member
I have been out on my bike.....36 miles today and a new route :laugh:

There seems to be a lot of steep hills on this one though. I think I might move to Holland.

You'd miss the hills, and hate the wind even more. Although that's the only downside I can think of at the moment. Let me see, fine beers, chips and mayo, mussells, cycle provision second to none, not too hot, beautiful beaches, friendly people. Hmmmm.

Let me know if I forgot anything. * sigh *



Vice Admiral
Whose idea was it to get a new puter?

The pages were loading very sssllllloooooowwwwllllllyyyy on the tinternet. But now, for some inexplicable reason the puter asked me if I would like to change to the basic version of my email thingy. For now the pages are loading much more quickly. :scratch:
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