Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
In summer I switch to sheets and thin blankets so I can layer up/down as required.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
By and large I don't sleep all that well in the summer and frequently wake up with a headache from dehydration. After 58 summers, I'm just about getting used to it.
Dehydration can 'thicken' the blood and increase the risk of clotting so I am doing my best to avoid it! Ever since I got ill last year, I have had a bottle of water by my side and make sure that I sip from it regularly and that includes at night. I have a drink just before going to sleep, and sip some more if I wake up during the night.


West Somerset
Yes, actually I've been thinking about that since reading your posts, Colin. It's a good point. I do try and drink but not too much as I hate having the 'old man's problem' of getting up two or three times in the night. I suspect as I get headaches, I'm probably getting the balance wrong.
If you need a wee, you need a wee. That's your body behaving normally. Dehydration isn't normal. *wags finger*
My goodness, I never worried about these things when I was 20. What has happened to me? :eek:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Yes, actually I've been thinking about that since reading your posts, Colin. It's a good point. I do try and drink but not too much as I hate having the 'old man's problem' of getting up two or three times in the night. I suspect as I get headaches, I'm probably getting the balance wrong.
I used to sleep in my attic bedroom because what would be a first floor bedroom functions as a living room. The ground floor room is my bike shed/workshop/gym/recycling centre/storeroom! (Can you tell that I am single? :whistle::laugh:)

When I collapsed last year I was unable to walk up or down stairs so I put a single mattress down in the first floor room in front of the TV, and it has remained there ever since. I hadn't realised, but subconsciously it is probably because I don't fancy the extra trips up and down stairs during the night.

I have to walk past the end of a very steep staircase to the bathroom, so I am very careful not to trip and fall down that when I am half-asleep.

My goodness, I never worried about these things when I was 20. What has happened to me? :eek:
You earned a '5' in front of your age! :thumbsup: (ColinJ, aged 57)


Vice Admiral
No, probably a sparkling white something or other.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I've spend a glorious day out in the open (hiding in the shade :heat: ) sawing up logs. :thumbsup:

When I got home there was a little package, from Ebay, containing a replacement bearing for Tiddles' folding pedal.
The pedal now has a new bearing in it and is back on Tiddles. :thumbsup: Hopefully it will last a bit longer then the original which had lost most of its rubber seals and lubricant.


Midlands UK
Just had a minor panic attack, couldn't find the links to the other forums :eek: I then found the bit about the links being moved. Panic over.

In half an hour we will be watching Raymond Blanc showing us all how to cook properly :hungry:
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