Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things


West Somerset
@coffeejo How's your friend today? That sounded really painful, wish her well and hope she recovers quickly.
Thanks. She got home yesterday afternoon and I popped round to see her in the evening. Nothing's broken and there's no damage to the knee, though she has frayed a couple of strands (??) of her tendon, but apparently that's not serious. :scratch: The doctor was really worried about an infection developing and spreading to the knee joint so she's on two lots of antibiotics, not to mention a whole load of pain killers but she was in good spirits and we had a load of laughs.

In other news, I took a friend's advice re: Howling Dog Wagon and let Snipe run til she was knackered (didn't take long, it was baking hot even at ten in the morning) and then put her in. She was so grateful to be stationary that she just lay down and enjoyed the breeze.

Snipe in her trailer 7july13.jpg


West Somerset
We're going back on Wednesday to help put up a shed (hope that's a fair exchange for the lunch, ice cream, coffee and BBQ I enjoyed yesterday) so fingers crossed it goes as smoothly.

Just finishing off my umpteenth coffee of the day. Been awake since 5. :tired: Heading out into the hills later this morning for a walk. Think I'll have a day off the bike: the first for over a week.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Thanks. She got home yesterday afternoon and I popped round to see her in the evening. Nothing's broken and there's no damage to the knee, though she has frayed a couple of strands (??) of her tendon, but apparently that's not serious. :scratch: The doctor was really worried about an infection developing and spreading to the knee joint so she's on two lots of antibiotics, not to mention a whole load of pain killers but she was in good spirits and we had a load of laughs.
Glad that it's not as bad as it could have been, but still sounds very ouchy.:B)

In other news, I took a friend's advice re: Howling Dog Wagon and let Snipe run til she was knackered (didn't take long, it was baking hot even at ten in the morning) and then put her in. She was so grateful to be stationary that she just lay down and enjoyed the breeze.


West Somerset
Glad that it's not as bad as it could have been, but still sounds very ouchy.:B)
Once the paramedics got her loaded onto the stretcher, they asked if she wanted any painkillers. She started to say no but then changed her mind. Yesterday she told me that the reason she gave in and admitted that yes, it really did hurt was that she saw the look I gave her as she started to say no and decided that behaving herself was the safest option. :blush::giggle:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We're going back on Wednesday to help put up a shed (hope that's a fair exchange for the lunch, ice cream, coffee and BBQ I enjoyed yesterday)

I guess that depends on whether you get there and find a little shed, or an Amish barn, and only you there to raise it...

Train home this morning, and this afternoon I have to get two weeks worth of shopping, because my supermarket is shut for a refit next week.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I am metal bashing again today to make the flashings for the Velux window. I think I have the most complicated part made now.:unsure: Hope it fits....

Just finished off the last of the iced cream I had in the fridge.
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