Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
This evenings dinner



Zoom in, it's hiding behind the salt.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Nice starter!

What was your main course?


I just looked out of the window, and saw two of NT's neighbours walk out onto the green outside. One was dressed normally, the other was in a sort of all-over disposable hazard suit, with hood. They faced each other and the normally dressed one then threw a couple of things at the hazard suited one at point blank range - might have been very ripe tomatoes or something, they seemed to splash a bit. There was some discussion, and then they walked back in....



My Armchair
I just looked out of the window, and saw two of NT's neighbours walk out onto the green outside. One was dressed normally, the other was in a sort of all-over disposable hazard suit, with hood. They faced each other and the normally dressed one then threw a couple of things at the hazard suited one at point blank range - might have been very ripe tomatoes or something, they seemed to splash a bit. There was some discussion, and then they walked back in....

Just a typical day in Manchester then? :biggrin:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
@Arch one day we'll invite you round for one of my seven course jobs. You'll not be complaining about the size of my portion after that.

I'm always envious of your food, it always looks so professional. When I get in from work, it's as much as I can do to reheat a portion of something.

I aspire to producing meals like yours one day... Just like I aspire to make jam and cordial, and bottle vegetables...

Seven courses you say?

NT and I sometimes have seven courses, only six of his consist of Haribo, and mine tend to be cheese....
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West Somerset

Laptop appears to be officially mended. :hyper::addict:
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