Tea? (Part 2)

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My Armchair
Tomorrow is mountain biking near Exeter.
I'll get the plasters ready :tongue:

Glorious ride home this morning, light wind and some early morning :sun:, and I'm now officially on holiday :wahhey:

Night Train

Maker of Things
I thought about Barbie for weekend. But it's the Village Fete Saturday, and there's already enough burgers and hotdogs to be consumed there I should think. It's a slash n burn operation in the garden this weekend.
Same here, a local town centre is having its summer fete and we are going to have a mooch around and meet up with Incredible Edible.
The local aerodrome is also having an open day on Sunday so we will be there too.

I had a late night, trying to settle down to sleep but forced myself to get up at a sensible time this morning.

I fancy this :hungry:

But had porridge instead.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Just sitting in a cafe in Prater Park, Vienna waiting for chips, fried turkey, ham and cheese :hungry:

We've swum 1600m in the local outdoor pool. I was in a lane with some aggressive triathletes who insisted on kicking and scratching as they swam by grrrrrrrrr

So I'm owed some comfort food and a nice :cuppa:

If the weather is nice why not get your kit off and swim with all those nudies in the Danube? ^_^


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Just sitting in a cafe in Prater Park, Vienna waiting for chips, fried turkey, ham and cheese :hungry:

I see you like to experiment with the local cuisine while in another country:giggle: ................. do you have your knotted hanky on yer head.

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Just sitting in a cafe in Prater Park, Vienna waiting for chips, fried turkey, ham and cheese :hungry:

We've swum 1600m in the local outdoor pool. I was in a lane with some aggressive triathletes who insisted on kicking and scratching me as they swam by grrrrrrrrr

So I'm owed some comfort food and a nice :cuppa:

It's gone quiet - I think the food has arrived :rolleyes:
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