Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?

Sports Day passed with no rain, no races for adults & Squidge's relay team won their race and his house came 2nd overall so good day all round!

Finished off with quiche & lemon 'rang pie for dinner that User76 helped to make this morning ^_^

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I have just heard the fridge door close and the grill pan being removed, as we have bread and some cheese in the fridge that can only mean 1 thing
The smoke alarm is about to be tested?;)

Night Train

Maker of Things
I've had a busy day today.
I bought some steel tube. One length, an off cut, is 4.5m long and I couldn't get it into the house so that has to stay outside until I decide what I will be doing with it.
I then 'de-stressed' the bends in the chassis I have in the workshop.

I have been out all evening catching up with a friend and looking at her shed. She wants to keep her bikes in it. I suggested a ground anchor but she doesn't feel she needs it as her back garden is surrounded on all sides by other back gardens and there is no other access. Her call on that I guess. The shed needs a little bit of work.


Morning Bikkie, tea thanks. Working until 1pm then the whole weekend is mine. First job to get out the barbie and clean the dust off. I'm giong to enjoy this weekend


Legendary Member
Morning Bikkie, tea thanks. Working until 1pm then the whole weekend is mine. First job to get out the barbie and clean the dust off. I'm giong to enjoy this weekend

I thought about Barbie for weekend. But it's the Village Fete Saturday, and there's already enough burgers and hotdogs to be consumed there I should think. It's a slash n burn operation in the garden this weekend.
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