Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I cant help with that...although I do have a nice box of fudge which I was given at the weekend. And.....there is still some left (but only just)

Thanks that is very kind but no thanks. It is definately a beef monster munch need. Its lucky I have small people sleeping tethering me to the house else I would be as big as a house


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Is there any beef monster munch to go with the tea? Have a serious craving for them at the mo :cry:

Damn, I read that out to NT, and he wants some now too!

Anyone would think I hadn't made him a fine dinner of pizza (ok, shop bought frozen pizza), potato salad, green salad and tomato and cucumber salad, garnished with that heart shaped potato....


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Damn, I read that out to NT, and he wants some now too!

Anyone would think I hadn't made him a fine dinner of pizza (ok, shop bought frozen pizza), potato salad, green salad and tomato and cucumber salad, garnished with that heart shaped potato....

Tell me about it!

Technically I am stuffed with a suet crust beef & mushroom pudding, green beans & mash - my body, however, disagrees.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I am now contemplating a cheese, tomato & onion sandwich it is not beef monster munch... I should learn not to watch Man V Food it always makes me feel hungry


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
We just checked yesterday's ride on BikeHike, and it came out at 51.66, so within a third of a mile of his computer - so we know his computer is accurate enough. The discrepancy could be down to my waypoint clicking on the non-road sections.

There was one interesting moment, coming out of Pocklington, where the junction had been completely reworked since I was last there. I had to stop and work out what had happened. Fortunately, the change has much improved the cycle route across the main road.:thumbsup:
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