Tea? (Part 2)

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Senior Member
North Shields
Come to sunny London - no rain here :sun:


God no. I absolutely hate London. I don't like the crowdedness, the suffocating feeling and the general rushedness and impatience of the place. I'll just savour my ran and slow peace and tranquility :biggrin:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Morning all, have been up for hours and hours, well 2 and a bit have v. excited small person who has her last session as a Nature Tot as she starts pre-school in September, they have to dress up as their favourite furry animal and User76 decided she wanted to be a cow - hoping we get some :sun: but forecast looks like cloud.

coffee for me too, on 4th cup so far *yawn*


Senior Member
North Shields
Well I've had a morning ride! Just 14 miles round in a circle. I got aa QoM on Strava for one section, although i almost fell off on a sharp bend on a gravelly cycleway right on that section!!


West Somerset
I do not want to get into the habit of chatting about my breakfasts and drinks in this thread.

But ... The milk in my tea is slightly 'off'! xx(


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I chucked the tea away in the end but I didn't have time for another one then because I was off to have a blood test.

I was a bit surprised that while one nurse was taking blood from me, a woman was in the next chair giving her personal details to a second nurse! (Nothing too personal, but still ...)

I'm going to phone for the results in a couple of hours time. I might be able to stop the Clexane shots tomorrow but could avoid today's if I find out before 4 o/c. I reckon it might take another week to get the Warfarin dose right though, so I'll be pleased if I can stop a week sooner.


Vice Admiral
HUG smiley.gif for ColinJ
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