Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset
I would. I've culled and prepared poultry and rabbits, which I always find fascinating, and I think the human body would be even more so, especially if the pathologist was good at explaining what they were doing.


West Somerset
By the way, I'm not squeamish........and have seen quite a bit of blood at various times - some of it my own, I should add.

When I was 18 I was run down by my own cousin - I think he was messing about. I was in a real state - nothing broken but huge lacerations on my legs and arms with blood everywhere. It didn't freak me out tho'........but I still have the scars :B)



De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Cheese on toast with beans for supper [missed tea as we went to see Despicable Me 2 at the Metro Centre :laugh::giggle:] ... + have to sit up for 2 or 3 hours to let it settle. So plenty of time to fall asleep in front of Boston Legal Series 4 DVD!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
If you were given the opportunity to observe an autopsy (not of someone you know, obviously), would you?

Oh yes, fascinating! Except eyes. Can't do eyes.

We've been on a ride to the pub, where we had a substantial dinner of pie:

Back for a relatively early night, we're both tired, and we've got another ride tomorrow, which is dependent on the weather and fitness of participants, and may be anything between 2 and 25 miles...

Night Train

Maker of Things
(Like Colin, I couldn't do the endoscope in any direction though :stop:)
I have had the endoscope through the 'No Entry' sign. It started off interesting to watch on the screen but then I felt very under the weather and wished I had been sedated. It took me quite a while to get over it afterwards. Not sure I could manage an endoscope at either end, without sedation, now.

If you were given the opportunity to observe an autopsy (not of someone you know, obviously), would you?
A part of me would say yes as I think it is absolutely fascinating. I certainly would have done when I was much younger but not now. I think realistically, given I have a phobia of dead bodies, it wouldn't be a good idea.

Anyway, it was a nice ride out to the pub with a large crowd and a variety of bikes and trikes of many types, four Bromptons, a Greenspeed trike, an ICE trike, two Street Machines, two tandems and a range of other bikes.:thumbsup:

Night Train

Maker of Things
I would. I've culled and prepared poultry and rabbits, which I always find fascinating, and I think the human body would be even more so, especially if the pathologist was good at explaining what they were doing.
I've not killed anything (except the occasional insect/bug) but have prepared whole poultry and fish for food. I am ok as long as I only think of 'it' as food and don't let my mind stray towards thinking of the food as a once living creature that had thoughts and feelings.

I really should just be a vegetarian.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
I have killed the odd creature. Last one was a frog that had been run over in France.
Its back end was completely flattened and it was making a fair amount of noise - clearly in pain.
So I clobbered it and then nearly threw up.:sad:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
If you were given the opportunity to observe an autopsy (not of someone you know, obviously), would you?

I don't even like watching surgery on TV or anatomical photographs.

I found a huge anatomy textbook in the university library and flipped through a couple of pages and saw things that made me feel sick.

When I was a teenager, I put the TV on once late at night and when the set warmed up there was an attractive naked young woman asleep on a table. Or so I thought. I carried on watching ...

Before I realised what was happening someone got a saw and cut her open from pelvis to throat. I was very deeply shocked. Apparently she had died of a drugs overdose and this was her post mortem, intended as shocking anti-drugs propoganda. It certainly shocked me. I had nightmares about it for weeks afterwards. xx(


West Somerset
When I was a teenager, I put the TV on once late at night and when the set warmed up there was an attractive naked young woman asleep on a table. Or so I thought. I carried on watching ...

Before I realised what was happening someone got a saw and cut her open from pelvis to throat. I was very deeply shocked. Apparently she had died of a drugs overdose and this was her post mortem, intended as shocking anti-drugs propoganda. It certainly shocked me. I had nightmares about it for weeks afterwards. xx(

:ohmy: Mind you, I watched so many bad horror films as a teenager that it probably wouldn't have occurred to me that it wasn't fiction.



Archie, I knew you were a bit posh, but I didn't realise you owned your own beach. And why did you plant a hedge on it?
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