Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
The tree saw is in the car now, but I have to get the car to Hebden Bridge on Monday for an MOT. That means we will spend part of the day wondering around Hebden Bridge window shopping, drinking tea and eating cake. However, I may not be able to leave the saw in the car for the duration of the MOT for safety reasons, so the saw may come in to town on the bus with us...:whistle:

We've been to the Hawes Gala (best not to say it out loud,@TheDoctor)

I thought that Arch and NT would be interested in this

View attachment 25138
Nice little Fordson. :thumbsup:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Does Colin know that it would be safer to stay inside that day? :whistle:

He does. We were going to meet up, but strangely, he's cried off....:unsure:

(Actually, he has a doctor's appointment).

I think we'll be ok leaving it in the car, we'll just have to move it out of the door/footwell where it's currently hidden and might be a bit of a trip hazard for an unwary mechanic.

Night Train

Maker of Things
Quick question, what can you do with the used oil from a deep fat fryer? Don't want to pour it down the drain
You could try straining the bits out and then adding it to the diesel in the car fuel tank.
It works for some cars so investigate at your own risk.:whistle:

There are people who reprocess it to use in their cars as bio-diesel. If you have a reasonable about it may be worth freecycling it.
I know a chap in Stafford who has his own mini bio-diesel plant in his garage for used veg oil.


You could try straining the bits out and then adding it to the diesel in the car fuel tank.
It works for some cars so investigate at your own risk.:whistle:

There are people who reprocess it to use in their cars as bio-diesel. If you have a reasonable about it may be worth freecycling it.
I know a chap in Stafford who has his own mini bio-diesel plant in his garage for used veg oil.
My car didn't sound that rough did it?


West Somerset

I had a mahoosive and utterly delicious fish pie at the pub today. My taste buds thought they'd died and gone to heaven.

Weirdly, I was also served the most disgusting mug of coffee I've ever had the misfortune to sample. It was sent back and a fresh cafetière was served which was also pretty vile, though wonderful in comparison.

I knew I should have gone for a pint of coke but it was :cold: and we'd been forced to abandon the planned route due to roadworks (on a bridge, helpfully, and we were only able to carry the bikes round if we didn't mind wading through the very deep river) and retrace our steps into the wind. :cry: But the fish pie was nom. Did I mention that? :hungry:


:hello: Jo

Mmmmmm ... fish pie


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Does Colin know that it would be safer to stay inside that day? :whistle:
We were due to meet up, but the doc has made 2 appointments for me - one to take blood out, and one to put drugs in!

I was just looking at the times to see if I could squeeze a quick coffee and cake meet-up in but I think it would be too rushed and I'd feel too stressed to enjoy it. :sad:

We'll do it another time! :hello:

Because of my health set-back, I reckon I will be organising another forum walk rather than a bike ride this summer. I'll see how it goes, but maybe towards the end of July if I make good progress?


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I hope the appointments go well, Colin :thumbsup:
Thanks - they are just routine, so nothing much should happen. It usually takes a week or two for the Warfarin dosage to settle down. I was very stable last time, my dosage hardly changing from month to month, but for the sake of safety and efficacy, they have to do regular blood tests.

Rocky minimus was offered the choice between a GA or an arm block for his plastic surgery on his finger. He opted for the arm block but after putting enough lignocaine in his shoulder to subdue a herd of elephants he could still feel his fingers although he couldn't move his arm. Sensibly they decided to give him a GA.
I hope he makes a quick recovery!

Last week, I was chatting to an old mate who suffers from Barrett's Oesophagus, which requires an oral endoscopy every 2 or 3 years to check for cancerous changes. I asked if he opted for a GA. He replied that he had a local the first time, but the sword-swallowing nature of the procedure freaked him out so much that he has opted for the GA every time since!


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Thanks - they are just routine, so nothing much should happen. It usually takes a week or two for the Warfarin dosage to settle down. I was very stable last time, my dosage hardly changing from month to month, but for the sake of safety and efficacy, they have to do regular blood tests.

I hope he makes a quick recovery!

Last week, I was chatting to an old mate who suffers from Barrett's Oesophagus, which requires an oral endoscopy every 2 or 3 years to check for cancerous changes. I asked if he opted for a GA. He replied that he had a local the first time, but the sword-swallowing nature of the procedure freaked him out so much that he has opted for the GA every time since!
Me too... well I didn't have a full GA, they call it sedation, but it's really good stuff!
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