Tea? (Part 2)

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Midlands UK
If you were given the opportunity to observe an autopsy (not of someone you know, obviously), would you?

Absolutely, I am fascinated by that kind of thing and am not at all squeamish.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
:ohmy: Mind you, I watched so many bad horror films as a teenager that it probably wouldn't have occurred to me that it wasn't fiction.
Most of the horror films back in the 70s were nowhere near as gory and realistic as they became later so it was pretty easy to tell the difference.

I like thrillers rather than horror. I watched the first SAW film and wished I hadn't so I avoid that kind of thing now.

The TV news reporting back in the 70s was brutally honest. No blurring of images back then. I saw a report of the Birmingham pub bombings in which the burned body parts of young people were shown being shovelled into bags.

My mind has enough problems without me feeding it other stuff to get disturbed about so I try to be kind to it now.

Enough of that ... It is a fasting day so I have been holding out, but it is now time for my strawberries, banana and low-fat natural yoghurt brunch! (Veggie stir-fry this evening.)

PS Where is Potsy? Off on his summer hols?
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