Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Frankie farts too much! ^_^

He is my sister's 9 week old Border Terrier pup. I have been watching him chasing a ball across a laminate floor for about an hour, sliding about all over the place, and he has finally run out of energy! He is flaked out next to me on the sofa and every now and then he lets rip with something silent, but deadly ...



Puzzle game procrastinator!
In case the pedants are still reading ... It was Frankie doing the sliding about - I was sitting down with my legs up!


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Was this happening downstairs ?
I was sitting down, with my legs up, on the sofa, which is downstairs.

In other exciting news ... I remarked on how comfortable I find the aforementioned sofa, which has a pair of those retractable leg rests. (Actually, not those, the other retractable leg rests!) I can elevate my clot-battered legs while reposing. She told me that I can have the sofa when she buys her new one - yay! :thumbsup:


:hugs:GWS Lu

(How much electricity is TVC consuming? Will your utility bill for this quarter be through the roof?)
The thing is going off on average every20 minutes. The readings seem to be averaging out at 120/75 which is not a problem. The highest so far is 142/85 when it caught me dragging the empty wheelybin back up from the road. Still some time to go, but it's beginning to look like I suffer from White Coat Hypertension.
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