Tea? (Part 2)

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Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
:hello: Morning everyone.

There appears to have been some kind of mix up. These aren't my legs,:headshake: my legs used to flex freely.:giggle:

Much:cuppa: needed.


Wow Rockaay... glad you are OK.
I don't know why doctors ever take BP, it always sends people's BP sky high!

Today I have to wear an arm cuff and an automatic BP tester for 24 hours. Having spent the last week consuming no alcohol, no caffeine (tea is exempt), no crisps, no processed food and no added salt, but eating as much fruit and veg as I can stuff in, I hope things are getting back to normal.

If not it looks like I'll be popping pills :sad:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
It's sunny outside, and very tempting to just play hooky instead. Maybe we'll saw some logs.

What are the chances of it staying fine for the weekend, when we have two bike rides scheduled in York?


So, when does Rocky normally get back from his 37 mile ride?

It must be great to be retired and not have to go through the same repetitive routine every day. :whistle:
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