Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Morning all....I'm back from my ride. 37 miles and not much fun. Two things were bad......large groups of inconsiderate cyclists racing each other and ignoring all other road users. One group - not particularly fit or fast (except in their own minds) ran me off the road as they came by. Second, I was overtaken by a 30 stone youth on a bone shaker - humiliating because I thought I was going reasonably well. He did make me laugh, though, because he was wearing a Billy Bunter cap. I did manage to pass him later in the ride - mind you he was sitting outside a cafe tucking into a plate of doughnuts at the time :whistle:

Talking of doughnuts....I've got a nice Waitrose passionfruit cake....would any one like a slice (quick before Billy comes round)? :laugh:

Do you not get the urge to do 38 miles instead of 37 ;)
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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Do you reckon that I'd be able to drop Billy Bunter in that last mile? :eek:


I dont usually go out on sunday mornings anymore, I usually leave it until later in the day then all the sunday cyclists have gone home for their dinner and you get the roads to yourself.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
That's a good strategy.....I was seriously thinking about stopping riding at the weekend. Mind you, I went out really early yesterday and it was heaven - there's a great feeling coming back as others are on their way out of London.

I get sick of the fat grunters coming past you then struggling to keep ahead because there was no point overtaking in the first place so you have to bother yourself to overtake them again ............ cant be bothered.


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Did you have anyone in mind? Someone from west of the Pennines, perhaps? :whistle:

I am sure I dont know what you mean :whistle:

I had one not long ago, there I was minding my own business cycling along in the middle of no where and then I hear "on the right" or at least I think thats what he said, then this guy crawled past me on a BSO in full cylcing jacket etc. I was wearing a short sleeved jersey and shorts and I was boiling, this guy was wearing just about every bit of cycling clothing he owned by the look of it so he must have been very very hot. So I just stayed on his wheel until he turned off, hey if he wants to be at the front be my guest ^_^


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
New additions to the garden




Midlands UK
Woo hoo :sun: today and jolly warm it is too. No more :rain: for a few days hopefully, the lawn needs mowing. On saying that our neighbour is hacking at his grassy knoll, always thought it damaging to mow a wet lawn :unsure:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
NT and I are sitting outside a cafe in Southport, drinking tea. It's baking hot and we've been on the pier and the beach.
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