Tea? (Part 2)

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Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
I did hear of a WI group that were having a talk about Pirates.
The members all turned up in eye-patches, bandannas and cutlasses, all talking in the present tense.
Because pirates always talks in the present tense, ever since pirates...begins.
Anyhow, the speaker is greeted with this load of yo-ho-ho-ing lunatics, and gives his lecture on being held for eighteen months off the coast of Somalia...


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Sorry, that was more of a reply to the whole Pirates thing rather than the merits of gas vis-a-vis charcoal barbies. Since I have a perfectly good kitchen, I am unconvinced of the attractions of standing in the garden, in the sun, next to a fire heaped up with lamb chops, all merrily blazing away. If I want to spend the next 48 hours unable to move from the bathroom while emptying myself from each end, I can just drink a magnum of Vino Collapso inside half-an-hour.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Did you hear the one about the guys who lent their neighbour some swords for a pirate themed party, then quickly made costumes themselves, and then went to the party and it wasn't that party that was pirate themed, it was one the neighbour had been to earlier....


Anyhoo, we looked great:

Cap'n Night Train:

and Bo'sun Arch:

OK, the host put his pirate bandanna back on.... We just told everyone we always dressed like that for parties....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
A couple of weeks ago 1 of my colleagues went to a friends house for a bbq, he then said that it wasn't a proper bbq as it was a gas thing therefore they were just grilling outside. I agreed as I prefer the real thing whereas others don't as they take so long to get going, food burns and sausages spit etc... Which do you prefer

Proper coals. If you want to use gas, use the kitchen, I say.

We had a family friend who was a bit of a show off who got a gas barbeque, and we duly went round to be fed, and he'd got it cranked up and flaming. All the food was black on the outside, and raw inside and had to be finished off in the microwave.

This was a good BBQ tonight, the chap got the coals just right, and did chicken, pork belly, sausage and burgers, all marinaded in garlic, salt, vinegar and I think bay. Portuguese style anyway.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Nyaaaaaa!! I had some cheese earlier (cheddar with chives through it) and now I feel incredibly itchy all over. I think I must have had some sort of reaction to it, and it's doing my head in!!


West Somerset

Is there fresh :cuppa:?


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Nyaaaaaa!! I had some cheese earlier (cheddar with chives through it) and now I feel incredibly itchy all over. I think I must have had some sort of reaction to it, and it's doing my head in!!

A-argh! D'ye want us to keel haul ya?

<must get out of pirate character>

We're remarkably awake after being out last night, so we're going to have a day out. NT has brought me breakfast in bed first though. Jam on bread, and :cuppa:


West Somerset
Forecast for today said no :rain: til this afternoon so my landlords assembled the troops to put the nets over the cherry trees. 20 mins into the job, it started to drizzle. Drizzle turned to light rain. Which turned into a downpour. I was all for continuing but the guy who had to go up in the cherry picker and feed out the nets wasn't so enthusiastic. Something about 'slippery' and 'a long way to fall'. :rolleyes:
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