Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Well just got back from another evening ride lovely and warm again, this time I decided to cycle to Patley Bridge and climb the stupidly big hill next to Greenhow Hill then go up the stupidly big hill at Dacre on the way back and all I can say is OUCH .................... off to soak in the bath.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
If you haven't seen Bill Baileys Guide To The Orchestra, then have a look on YouTube, even if just for the bit about the trombones... There's a bit in the that will make you howl if you are having comedy trombone thoughts.
Just back from seeing Bill Bailey at Newcastle Theatre Royal.. he was having as much fun as the audience.... love his humour and musical skill!



OK, there's toast, croissants, cereal and fruit. Help yourselves to tea and coffee, I'll be round shortly to take your hot breakfast orders.
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