Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!


Vice Admiral
Tasha and Leo have had two arguments with each other today. One where Leo cuffed Tasha across the nose, because he did not have enough biskits. At the time she was minding her own business eating her biscuits.:wacko:

The second one was when Tasha launched herself at Leo and he ended up squashed between her and the side of the fridge. Tasha may be slightly smaller than Leo, but she makes up for it in weight. He looked very stunned by this. :wacko:

They are now sleeping about six inches apart on the rug in the dining room. ^_^


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
Ermm...thanks for sharing, MDB. You shouldn't have.
No, you REALLY shouldn't have!!
I used to have a colleague (many jobs ago) who was proud of his ability to clear the entire department. Our floor barely qualified as an M-class planet once he'd done his worst...xx(

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Ermm...thanks for sharing, MDB. You shouldn't have.
No, you REALLY shouldn't have!!
I used to have a colleague (many jobs ago) who was proud of his ability to clear the entire department. Our floor barely qualified as an M-class planet once he'd done his worst...xx(

The irony is that I used to be able to fart for Scotland, but really, what my Dad does should ideally be taken off to Sellafield for disposal! :laugh:

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Besides, I don't know what part 3 will be yet as I am doing it day by day (I also deleted part 1 by the way just in case you are desperate enough to look for it). Part 3 could be something reasonably harmless in comparison for all I know.


West Somerset

:sun: here too. Should burn off a fair bit of BBQ :hungry: today: unless my friend cancels on me, we'll be doing a 50 miler with about 4k of climbing. :ohmy:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I forgot to mention; Big news this morning for our resident sci-fi fans. Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who.:ohmy:

For what it's worth I think he has been great in the role, although I'm not sure about some of the scripts he's had to work with.:unsure:


West Somerset
I've not watched it since partway through his second season. Found him extremely irritating and the scripts weren't as good. Consider myself to be totally out of the loop now so don't know if I'll start again once The New Doctor takes over.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I forgot to mention; Big news this morning for our resident sci-fi fans. Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who.:ohmy:

For what it's worth I think he has been great in the role, although I'm not sure about some of the scripts he's had to work with.:unsure:

I thought he was good, but I've stopped bothering to watch it, it got a bit too.. childish? I'm not sure that's quite the word I want. Shallow? I dunno.

Anyway, they are going to run out of lives soon. If you count Paul McGann (and wikipedia does), Matt Smith is the 11th doctor, and there are only supposed to be 13 regenerations. I expect they'll find some convenient deus ex machina to solve the problem.

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