Tea? (Part 2)

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:cuppa: Thanks

Looks like being a useable day with much being outdoors. :wahhey:

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
I thought he was good, but I've stopped bothering to watch it, it got a bit too.. childish? I'm not sure that's quite the word I want. Shallow? I dunno.
Shallow sounds a good description, especially this latest series (a couple of stories excepted). There's no sense of peril, it's all a bit too much "with one bound, he was free" all the time. I know he is always going to win through, but at least make it look like he is having to work for it.:blink:

A few more two-parters where they can develop the story at less of a breakneck pace might help

Anyway, they are going to run out of lives soon. If you count Paul McGann (and wikipedia does), Matt Smith is the 11th doctor, and there are only supposed to be 13 regenerations. I expect they'll find some convenient deus ex machina to solve the problem.

I was wondering about that too. Don't know whether they'll write that into the plot or just ignore it and hope no one will notice.:unsure:


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
It was the huge purple octopus in the slide show that attracted me....

Like Mole, I've been seduced by the prospect of a nice afternoon into saying "Bother spring cleaning!". Or tiling, anyway. I'm sure there'll be rainy weekends ahead.


Sitting in the garden sounds good. I've done my chores - garage door clean, passageway de-cobwebbed and hosed, Lu's bike cleaned and lubed. Now just waiting for my lunch of kippers to settle, then it's on with the lycra and hello country lanes.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Doug.....I'm not sure that Tea? Is the right place for these posts. I'd prefer more :cuppa:, :hungry:, :sun:, :bicycle: and :smile: here.

Could you start another thread devoted entirely to your good/bad news?

Ah, but you see, if you saw part one, I fear that it might have been deleted if it had featured prominently in a new thread, so I decided to put it where the audience would be more limited to measure response. There's method in my madness you know!

Now, however, you know what I'm doing, I might well start a new thread!!


Midlands UK
:sun: :sun: here again today :wahhey: the last of my sweetpeas and broad beans are now in the garden, spuds are looking good so we should have a rather good year this year


Midlands UK
I forgot to mention; Big news this morning for our resident sci-fi fans. Matt Smith is leaving Doctor Who.:ohmy:

For what it's worth I think he has been great in the role, although I'm not sure about some of the scripts he's had to work with.:unsure:

We watched all of the Christopher Ecclectone episodes, they and he were really good but we stopped when David Tennant took over. He is a really good actor and has done some really cracking stuff before he took over, trouble is some of the Who stories were silly and amateurish so we stopped watching out of boredom. I think Eddie Izzard should step in (joke) but I wouldn't be surprised if a woman took over.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
We watched all of the Christopher Ecclectone episodes, they and he were really good but we stopped when David Tennant took over. He is a really good actor and has done some really cracking stuff before he took over, trouble is some of the Who stories were silly and amateurish so we stopped watching out of boredom. I think Eddie Izzard should step in (joke) but I wouldn't be surprised if a woman took over.

To be fair, Eddie would make a great lady!! :laugh:


Cycling did not occur today, however a flowering cherry and eight hawthorn bushes have been levelled to make way for a new veg patch for Lu. Happy with my days work.
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