Tea? (Part 2)

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Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Sitting outside The Wharf pub after watching the start and end of the Manchester Parade. It was amazing and fantastic. @Arch will post pics later so you can all play 'Identify the unusual bikes'. :biggrin:

I'll post some after dinner, there were all manner of trikes and quads. Absolutely brilliant parade!


Legendary Member
Did someone put the kettle on? The little biscuits came to stay this weekend. We made Rich Chocolate Tart. Would anyone like a piece?

Oh and pasta with the machine great fun! Not with tea thou. :smile:


Legendary Member

Lots of :sun: today. Glad I put on suncream, though my hands are so pale they look dead in comparison to my arms :rolleyes:. Stopped for :cuppa: (well, diet coke) and cake at Stogumber train station and everyone on the steam train waved at us as they went through.

So you did the 50M and 4k climbing!! I think I need MM too.
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