Tea? (Part 2)

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Oh btw @ColinJ - I (mostly) forgive MM for all its faults, niggles and stupid software. Been printing maps from it. The quality is sooooooo much better than from screenshots (had navigational issues the other day due to poor resolution/printing at a vital junction whose complications I hadn't anticipated until we were there). In fact, it's almost as good as the proper OS maps but 100% customisable to where I want. And involves A4 paper that can be folded and easily read in the wind.
It's good, isn't it!

I often look up where new CC members live. I like being able to check out anywhere in the UK (NI-excepted). I especially like the fact that 'edge' and 'corner' issues don't exist on the digital map.

GPS next! :thumbsup:


West Somerset
Bought this on ebay the other day paid £3.29 Inc p&p, the postage says £2.60 on the jiffybag almost feel sorry for the seller


I have my ex's copy. Considering all the stuff of mine she's got, I don't feel at all guilty. :becool:
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