Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
Most are voting 'no' for the mid-op photo. Probably for the best as it might put people off NT's cake.

For the photo think a pale Walls banger. Chew and suck the end, and smear a little ketchup.
Start a new thread. People have a choice then. :thumbsup:

I can imagine it probably looks a little like the way one of my fingers looked when a friend bounced 1/2 ton stone gate post on it.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK

I reckon I could look at MDB's insides, (but I won't thank you), but fingers and toes... Ugh. xx(

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Don't encourage him to post any pictures.......I wouldn't want any competitions with MDB and Steph :laugh:

I have told Jo that when I have my next op, I'll ask them to take a picture of my small intestine this time!! :becool:


I reckon I could look at MDB's insides, (but I won't thank you), but fingers and toes... Ugh. xx(

I can post it to you and you can look at it...... If you dare!! Muhahaha!!


Midlands UK
I want to see it too, sod NT's cake. Sorry, but, if its a choice between a bit of gore and cake, put me down for the gore any time!!

You do need to remember that I'm the guy who, on having his colitis addled large intestine moved, asked one of the surgeons to take a picture of it because I was curious to see it!

....... Other than Jo and Steph, does anyone want to see it?? :laugh:

Me :hello:


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Well done TVC, extra marks for observation...


Including myself, I have 5 coil winders, and enough work for 8 coil winders, this means:
1. Very long hours for TVC
2. No time to go diving
3. No energy to go cycling

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