Tea? (Part 2)

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I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I'd like to take NT to Bruccianis, but as he can't eat ice cream, there's not much point. It was a real treat for us to go there for a sundae. Chocolate for me please!


I'd like to take NT to Bruccianis, but as he can't eat ice cream, there's not much point. It was a rewal treat for us to go there for a sundae. Chocolate for me please!
We haven't been in for years.... must try harder.


Noble and true, with a heart of steel
The TerrorVortex
OMFG I feel terribly guilty :sad:
After a pleasant ride on the Carbon Uberbike at the weekend, I put it in the back garden to clean it, give it a polish and mickle the chain.
It's been out there all day.
In the rain.
I am a terrible, terrible person :cry:


I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Morning all :hello:


I hope the Doc has brought his bike in and has given it some TLC - Potsy would not approve.

Blimey leaving a Carbon bike out in the rain doesnt he know it will melt ;)


Legendary Member
:hello: Morning all. Bit :unsure: this morning as it would seem I've had prowlers around yesterday whilst I was out.
Found a really heavy planter on patio turned on it's side, must have taken some effort. Wonder if they were looking for keys under pots etc.
Anyway bit worried and anxious now. :sad:

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
:hello: Morning all. Bit :unsure: this morning as it would seem I've had prowlers around yesterday whilst I was out.
Found a really heavy planter on patio turned on it's side, must have taken some effort. Wonder if they were looking for keys under pots etc.
Anyway bit worried and anxious now. :sad:

That's understandable - the worry/anxious reaction. Hopefully (for you) they've decided nothing doing and have moved on. Mention it to the local Plod. :thumbsup:
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