Tea? (Part 2)

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Night Train

Maker of Things
Attempting to eat porridge for breakfast. Not going well, I thnk a bowl of quick set concrete would be easier to get down.


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
How very dare you Mr R... :cuppa: Sniff.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
Attempting to eat porridge for breakfast. Not going well, I thnk a bowl of quick set concrete would be easier to get down.
Add more water!

My porridge recipe:

Pick a measure. I use 200 mL but many people would want smaller, say 125-150 mL.

1 measure of oats, 1 measure of water. 1 measure of skimmed milk.

I add a small pinch of 'Lo-salt', a teaspoon of honey and a sprinkle of raisins.

Mix well and cover the top of the bowl

I zap that lot for 2 minutes in my microwave, then stir well. Then another 40 seconds, stir well. Then 30 seconds, stir well.

At that point, the porridge has thickened up but is still slightly fluid.

The reason for the regular stirring is to avoid getting porridge napalm glued to the inside of the microwave oven ... I tried giving it 4 minutes the first time and that was the messy result! :eek:

If I am satisfied with the consistency of the porridge then I remove the bowl from the oven. If not, I give it a final 30 seconds. (Your timings will vary depending on the amount of porridge, and the power of your oven. Obviously you could prepare the porridge in a pan, but I find the microwave to be more efficient and my pyrex bowl is easier to clean than a saucepan. I eat it straight from the bowl so there is less washing up)

I chop a banana into the porridge and also 3 or 4 strawberries if I have any.

A quick, tasty and healthy start to the day! :hungry:


Vice Admiral
I was wondering what Wol will be doing this afternoon now Stage 19 of the Giro has been cancelled. :laugh:

I am watching the ITT stage of the Tour of Belgium. ^_^ Not seen Fabian's knees yet. :heat:

I am not sure if it is my back that I have twisted, or the muscles around my ribs on one side at my back. I am keeping gently moving, and trying to avoid taking any pain killers. I took some Paracetamol, but felt rather queasy afterwards, even though I only took one 500mg tablet and the dosage on the box was 2 x 500mg. I have found some Ibuprofen gel in the bathroom cabinet.

I usually have lots of things that I can do at home, but it is surprising how much lifting etc is involved in any activity, and how tiring it is to be this much discomfort.


:cuppa: for Wol, and a couple of cushions to make her comfy.

Right, that's us done for the weekend, just a bit of on line banking to do, and book some diving then I'm doing a Rocky ^_^

Lu is out having her hair done, so you had better all notice how nice it looks when she gets back.:hello:


Vice Admiral
If I went out on this cold and windy day to the Doctors, I do not think that would help in any way. What is the Doctor likely to say besides, "Take it easy, do some gentle stretching exercises, take some painkillers and come back next week." :unsure:
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