Tea? (Part 2)

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West Somerset


Legendary Member
:hello: The thing about Squirrel food is you gotta catch em first... * Goes to fetch air rifle *

Just arrived in Cambs, after a rather windy and wet ride in. Had a quick shower and now here with a lovely :cuppa:, at what I like to call...'The day centre'


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace

Night Train

Maker of Things
Having had to fix the leaking flexible pipes under the bathroom sink this morning I then had to go out and fix another pair of leaking flexible pipes under a friend's kitchen sink!

Wondering if any more are going to go pop, or if I can put the tools away?:unsure:

Had a :cuppa: and some shredded wheat now.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I have decided that I am going to be on holiday from this Saturday for two weeks. ^_^

I have not decided where I am going, of if I am going anywhere. My Mother is going to stay at my Brother's for two weeks, which is very much like my having a holiday.

Will you be taking to your sun lounger in the garden for a fortnight? Careful, you might go rusty....
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