Tea? (Part 2)

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I have decided that I am going to be on holiday from this Saturday for two weeks. ^_^

I have not decided where I am going, of if I am going anywhere. My Mother is going to stay at my Brother's for two weeks, which is very much like my having a holiday.
I don't suppose you will be holidaying anywhere near Loughborough at the end of this fortnight?


Midlands UK
:headshake:not even wild horses

I only managed a short bit of it before bottling out, I was icy cold, nauseous and crying my eyes out with fear so I gave up. The staff were lovely and someone walked me back down (inside) and they plied me with water, tissues and a comforting hug. I even got a free :cuppa: shame really as it was our honeymoon and we should have done it together.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
<ponders logistical problems involved with moving Loughborough nearer to Speicher>

Nah, I bet the inhabitants would make a fuss...


Midlands UK
I only managed a short bit of it before bottling out, I was icy cold, nauseous and crying my eyes out with fear so I gave up. The staff were lovely and someone walked me back down (inside) and they plied me with water, tissues and a comforting hug. I even got a free :cuppa: shame really as it was our honeymoon and we should have done it together.

TVC climbed the bridge and has great memories, that is the important thing. He is a real go-getter which is why we have so much fun, 'why can't we?' is not something I hear very often, it is usually 'let's do it' :thumbsup:


Vice Admiral
I have been up the Space Needle in Seattle. I was there just before dusk, and stayed long enough for it to get dark.

Unfortunately, I have not been up the CN Tower in Toronto. Before going to Canada I asked everyone, travel agents included, about where the CN Tower was in relation to the Via Railway Station. I still find it so difficult to believe that no one knew that it is right next door to the Station. I thought it was CN as in "CN News". I did not realise (sorry MDB) that it is Canadian Network (railway) tower. :wacko:

By the time I realised this, there was only a hour before I was due to board the train, and I was encumbered with luggage, so unable to go up the Tower. :sad:

Luckily one of the few passengers travelling in the sleeping car section of the train, was the Chief Engineer (Winnipeg) of Via Rail. During the two days it took to reach Winnipeg, he was able to explain in great detail about the signalling, satellite tracking, power units, and much more besides. This more than made up for missing the CN Tower. He was travelling by train, rather than flying, as a Customer Relations exercise. I have to say it was an excellent customer relation exercise.

One day, I might return to Canada, by flying to Halifax, (Nova Scotia, not Yorkshire) and then travelling by train to Toronto.


Vice Admiral
As I mentionned on the "Rail Enthusiasts" thread, I used to be a Ticket Selling person on the SVR, first at Bewdley and then at Kidderminster. I also started the training to be a TTI (Travelling Ticket Inspector) but least said, soonest mended, I did not complete the training.

What "help" do you think your friend could give? The residents of this quiet part of a quiet town in quiet Worcestershire would not appreciate the influx of residents from Loughborough, despite Arch's helpful suggestion.

I am going to log off now, time for a shower, then watch Caroline Quinton in the New Forest.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
Random Fact: Thomas Cook's first organised package tour was a railway trip from Leicester to a Temperance meeting in Loughborough.

Or the other way about, but anyway.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
I would love to do that but I would need to take a bucket in case I threw up with fear xx( silly and irrational but some things are hard to deal with :sad:
I'm the same!

I can cope with flying and the views from tall buildings but I don't like heights in general, and go completely wobbly on cliffs.

When I first moved up here, I couldn't even cope with some of the more exposed local footpaths but I got used to them over the years.
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