Tea? (Part 2)

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Legendary Member
I didn't wake up til 11. :wahhey:



Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
My tea comes in a pint mug with a side order of Haribo!

Yeah, your Haribo comes in pint mugs too!:tongue:

I'm home, had my lunch, just waiting for repeat of The Archers I didn't hear last night. What going to happen with Matt and Lillian!?:ohmy:

Was going to walk to St Nicks later, but might not bother to go that far, just need to get some groceries. I've got stiff legs from tiling over the weekend - due to bending down to do the low bits, as I can't crouch for any length of time, so my hamstrings are quite strained - so a bit of a walk will do me good.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I decided I should clean and examine that Leyland Lynx windscreen I bought last week for my EVan-Tricycle. Had a bit of a panic as I couldn't find the most important part, the safety markings! :ohmy:
I looked in all the corners, along all the edges, and it wasn't there! :sad:
I started to think of the money wasted on it, other windscreen options, building the EV open top and without a screen...

Then I found it. About 4" down from the centre of the top edge, hidden in the dirt, the heating elements and the multiple reflections from the laminated glass. :thumbsup:

Relief! ^_^


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
That's OK, mine's asleep most times and no one has noticed. :unsure:

I think your brain maybe works opposite shifts to your body, given your inability to sleep some nights!

I've been out and got my shopping. I've got NT a treat, as long as I don't kill it before the weekend.

Night Train

Maker of Things
I've got NT a treat, as long as I don't kill it before the weekend.



Though I reckon it is more likely to be this.

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