Tea? (Part 2)

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Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Sorry, I take an inordinate amount of interest in people's flights (as you can probably gather). Its good for learning/refreshing the old Geography, you know!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
The view as we took off from HK was stunning - the plane goes out into the South China Sea and heads up the coastline before going in land across China and then to Russia. The coast line looks very craggy and green and is something I'd like to explore one of these days.

At one stage we were flying along side a vapour trail left by another aircraft (at 30,000 feet) and I was able to watch it through the cabin window. I was fascinated by the swirls of cloud and vapour. In fact I was so fascinated by it that I woke Mrs R up to have a look - oddly she didn't seem very impressed :laugh:

When I saw you had taken off again you were over land just north of Hong Kong (by aircraft standards) at about 20,000 feet and climbing, flying over a large river that seemed to go into the sea just to the west of Hong Kong.

Either Flightradar was a bit off, or you had been out along the coast and then come back in again?

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
I'm sure you could look it up.

Anyway, it was around this time that, quite frankly, I wanted sleep, and Coffeejoe made the rather amusing washing machine comment (I even briefly thought about using it as my sig), so I retired at that point, only seeing you again just to the south of St Petersburg.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
Having just looked it up properly and it appears to have been the Dong River, an eastern tributary of the Pearl River that runs though Guangzhou, and provides an important water source for Hong Kong.

There, I bet you didn't know that, did you?

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
And it becomes apparent when you see the number of (very) high rise buildings dotted around the airport.

Yes I saw 'Unreported World' a couple of weeks ago on education in Hong Kong, and they said that the place is so crowded that if you want to truly be successful, you either have to be the very best of the best, or, you move away elsewhere where the competition is less insane.

Apparently they only let you sit your exams once, and that is you for life, you can't resit anything, you only get one chance, and if you muck it up, tough s**t. Your life decided for you at the age of 17 or 18, even if you had only reasonably modest ambitions.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Smallest thing I've flown in was one of these.


Wonderfully easy to fly.
I've been in those as well. I started having lessons a few years back with the intention of getting my licence but unfortunately the weather, then financial woes got in the way. I'd still like to do it when I can afford to.:smile:

I was flying a Flash 2 Alpha, but also had a chance to fly the first Airborne XT912 in the country - fab aircraft.:thumbsup:

If I can finally get my licence what I would like is one of these: http://www.flylight.co.uk/flexwing/dragonfly.htm
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