I am not a member, I am a free man !!!!!!
Due to it being 'insurance' I had to go like for like. I was hoping that they no longer had the Arc and would upgrade me a little but no luck. Still, it gives me a sellable phone for when I get a better one.
I am ok though. It was just one of those moments when my head doesn't know where my feet are and I stumble while looking for balance that isn't there.
I have had to loose my calendar but I managed to save everything else and then I reset the phone. I am back with my old faithful Sony W995 Walkman, except there is no music on it and it takes a different memory card. I did find my old ring tone though, the sound of a Cummins 6BT diesel engine starting up!I must remember to copy that to the replacement phone when it arrives.
Is it an android phone NT ?