Tales from today's commute....

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Couple of idiots on the first part of my commute, both wanting to overtake on a pinch point, one almost succeeded In pushing me into the back of a parked car but I held my ground. An HGV came a bit hairily close on Croydon road but that's hairy cos of size!

Second part just now was cycling with a mate who was on his Hybrid. Apart from him almost killing himself - misjudged gap - was fine, if a bit cold at his pace. Soon warmed up after we parted! Some police job in Surbiton allowed me a traffic free ride back home ^_^

Numpty count:2
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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Nowt to report. Second day this week on the ice bike. Commutes now are almost twice the distance as when on the ice bike last year I would take the short route. No alternative now.

Just have to keep it spinning as the ice tyres can be hard work.


Well-Known Member
New Sarum
Fastest commute home ever!
Everything felt good so went for it.... Even kept a good pace up the Hill of Doom (used to kill me a year ago!!)
Arrived home hot and sweaty even though was about 3 deg C outside.
Next goal is to crack the 52 minute commute barrier.

young Ed

Fastest commute home ever!
Everything felt good so went for it.... Even kept a good pace up the Hill of Doom (used to kill me a year ago!!)
Arrived home hot and sweaty even though was about 3 deg C outside.
Next goal is to crack the 52 minute commute barrier.
how far is commute and how hilly? (hilliness on a scale of 0-10 with 0 being holland and 10 being yorkshire)
and well done on the achievement! :thumbsup:
Cheers Ed


Über Member
Cars waiting at lights in cycleboxes - can't describe how much this annoys me!

Bad enough when motorbikes and mopeds do it grrrrrrrr

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
Commute in this morning was the first one this year where there was a white world due to a heavy frost. It looked nice but my feet were very happy when I arrived in the office and got some heat around them when the shoes came off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Über Member
Cold and frosty today, took it easy as below zero buy loved every second, lovin these fresh frosty morning rides......although I cant wait for spring ^_^ to come around.


Über Member
My Garmin said it was -5.7 today. The roads were ok. I did have to get off and walk in one place though. Although there was evidence of gritting, there was also evidence of a large patch of ice that I didn't feel safe riding on or near. I actually made better time today that on Tuesday even though today was slightly worse.

I actually felt warmer than yesterday and once again was only wearing a t-shirt, my cycling jacket, helmet and cycling trousers.

I'm planning on leaving early today so hopefully it'll have warmed up by then.


Über Member
Well no work today so no commute but having just been out to put some washing on the line I am glad I didn't. Think that's the most frost of the year and I think it would have been very slippy on the first half of the journey before reaching the gritted cycle path in Bristol. I hope everyone has a safe journey in today.


Eat, Sleep, Ride, Repeat.
Standard ride this morning on the sparky clean hack. Gave it a wash and lube last night and it looked a different bike this morning. It looked a different bike again by the time I got to work, not too dissimilar from what it looked like yesterday evening. There seems to be a pattern emerging...
I don't know if the heavy rain forecast for home time will wash some of the crap off the road or just make it worse. We shall see.


Legendary Member
Easy pace ride in this morning due to -5 temp. Stopped to look at a pair of foxes in the middle of an open field by the side of the 505 cycleway. Myself and another regular cyclist who I pass going the other way. ( :hello: if you're on here ).
Anyhow, was trying to make out if there were one or two foxes as it was a fair distance away. We were squinting into the distance when a chap passes by with a fancy camera and telephoto lens and leaps into the field, muttering something about wildlife photography.
What are they doing? We ask.
'Mating' say he. :smooch:

Oh..... . Errmm better let them get on with it. Bit public no? :blush:


Senior Member
East Yorkshire
Pretty cold this morning and some ice, but good to be back on the bike again, first day this week.
Good points - Spotted a barn owl that flew alonside me,
Bad points - opened pannier bag to find a near mashed banana entangled with lamp charger plug - Yuk!
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