A fantastic 63km, with over 650m of going up, ride in this morning, beautiful weather and some serious SCR after 40km.
After 40km I was humming myself a congratulatory song for commuting 200 miles this week and still feeling good.
A young guy on a nice Giant rode bike goes past me, both saying morning to each other. Then the SCR started.
He pulled away 30 or 40 metres on the first climb but then the gap stopped growing and it started to come down.
About 1.5km later I was back behind him, just off to his right so I was not drafting.
He was fast, I was fast unfortunately he seemed to have more endurance, about 400 metres later I had to turn off which was probably a good thing as I had no idea how much longer I would have maintained that pace.
Heart and lungs were fine just my legs didn't want to play ball.
I enjoyed it so much