Marie Attoinette Fan
My route in the morning involves a cycle path but I think I'll change it for a while :-/Blimey, that was hard work, wind has come back and the rain this afternoon made the cycle paths interesting with the wet leaves.
My route in the morning involves a cycle path but I think I'll change it for a while :-/Blimey, that was hard work, wind has come back and the rain this afternoon made the cycle paths interesting with the wet leaves.
This morning a complete numpty on a rather nice black Cube hybrid was filtering a trifle too fast down the outside of stationary traffic and aimed for a gap left by a van in front of a traffic island, when said van moved forward and the gap vanished. Fortunately the Cube had disc brakes. But I really don't know what I was thinking when I aimed for that gap. The van driver should not have been reading his notes while driving, true, but I still awarded myself the Donkey of the Day award.
Are you sure he didn't see you coming and decided he didn't want you cutting in and slowing him down![]()
Judging by the surprised look on his face as he glanced up from his paperwork, I'd say no...
Disc brakes are good. A decent night's sleep with a toddler not crying half the night, and then being alert paying proper attention to the road is even better though!