First full commute in two years. Ouch.
Route to work was easy, except I found out that the cable lock that came with my d-lock wasn't separate as I thought but hooks onto the D. Yes, it's my first D lock! Left my rear wheel scarily open to thievery but it was fine. Only one steep hill and that was over quickly.
Route home wasn't as easy. Immediately had the chain come off as I pedalled off, and spent five minutes trying to unstick it as it had got wedged between the lowest cog and the frame. Set off and could hear the front wheel squeaking - looks like the mudguard is rubbing the wheel. And it started raining as I set off. Yippee! Decided to take a slightly longer route home up Millbrook Bypass which was fun, pedalling hard and then having to fight my way up another hill. Missed a turning and ended up going back on myself, only for a moron to pull out of the road opposite me on the other side of the road (coming towards me) leaving me no space to go through between a parked van. Got off my bike with one road to go and pushed. Rear wheel started rubbing the mudguard too.
Probably schoolboy errors that can easily be fixed, but that squeaking is annoying!