I got a lot wetter than I thought I would on the way in on Thursday. Had an interesting encounter on the way home though. Part of my route involves crossing the A321. Its a left turn quickly followed by a right through Hurst village. I followed a Mini out of the left turn on to the main road who then signaled right and stopped to wait for a bus to turn right towards us. The lady in the Mini began to back up to allow the bus to turn onto the A321 and was doing so without ever having looked in her rear view mirror. If she had she would have seen a cyclist with one foot unclipped politely waiting behind her observing all road conventions. I'll be honest I was tempted to unclip and just drop the bike. Had I done this, and I would have been totally justified in doing so, the bike would have been squished and it would have been easy for me to step clear. Didn't do it, so bang went the opportunity for a claim on her insurance for a new bike. Instead I managed perhaps unwisely to lift the bike and me out of the way and got away with it. It was only as we continued to wait for the bus to make the turn fully that she became aware that there was a cyclist there. I got a sorry from her but she then sped off at a far greater speed than she should through the village