Tales from today's commute....

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Burberry wearing?

Potsy? Wearing Burberry? No wonder the shouted at him :whistle::laugh:


Evidence based cyclist
Shame there are not more of them about.
The must be someone in control of the bollards watching the CCTV, would be a fun job to have^_^ .

I think they're just automatic on a sensor that's on the bus.


Active Member
Got my bike back from the LBS today and its riding like a charm :smile:.

Also had a moment where a runner on the road (no path) moved across to overtake a bin, at the same time as I approached and a Daweoo 'Super' Carry. All four of us were side-by-side at one point. Bet it looked proper Monza '71 from in front.


My Armchair
Burberry wearing?
They had a certain 'look' about them, don't know if you'd describe it as Burberry though, more the hanging out of a window shouting abuse at passing cyclist type :whistle:


You've not seen his shorts then (actually no-one has) :whistle:
Hey!! I've worn shorts at least twice ths year :ninja:


My Armchair
Enjoyed the ride home, bit drizzly but nothing too bad, plenty of cars to filter past, no incidents.
Aldi Ultra Bright jersey worked well, even had a colleague comment on it's 'glare' :becool:


Decent commute today. Bit of a tailwind in the morning and no sign of the expected headwind on the way home. One the road for 2 and a half hours and I didn't get wet. And I was in short sleeves. Who said summer was over!

Miquel In De Rain

No Longer Posting
Was expecting the worst on the return after the commute in.I felt tired before I left this morning but after ten minutes I felt more lively,so it must be a circulation problem,was dreading the Thailand tour as I felt so bad.(thinking it was going to be like this all the time).Coming back at the start I felt cold but eventually got warm and stronger/faste.Tailgated at Mile End by idiot with young kids on board and Beemer fast close passed at Stratford,reckon he was in a hurry to get home due to school tomorrow.


Wet again !! Just fitted new pads as my existing ones vanished last week. Had another 'deflation' less than half a mile from home - the dodgy Conti tube - thought it was the valve, but there was a dirty big piece of glass in the tyre. Patch now sticking as I type !

I've had two p****res in two days. I think it's the combination of early Autumn ludge on the road and wet weather. On front and back tyres too.
What am I doing wrong? Conti Gatorskins :sad: thought they were pretty P***re resistant
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