Tales from today's commute....

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Evidence based cyclist
An average ride this morning, and a decent time despite the headwind. Did spot a funny though...

Close to work there's a narrow road, and 4 huge signs declare no motor vehicles except busses. To make the point there is a car trap, a big home about 2 feet deep, wider that a car but narrow enough a bus can traverse it. Today there was a UKMail Astra van nestling nose first in the hole, driver standing on looking bemused. Serves him right in my view - if he can't see four 10 foot tall road signs then with eyesight ( or observation skills) that bad he has no place on the Queens highway.

It's for reasons like this that I try and carry a camera around with me at all times.


Well-Known Member
First contact today after 9 months of commuting, though I don't think it really counts. Dozy school run mum cuts the corner as she turns right into the road where I was. Brakes and road a bit slippery this morning so it was closer than I would have liked.

Got an 'Oi! Corner!' and a slap on her rear window for her efforts. Hopefully she won't do it again, which is all I ask.


Über Member
Nice dry commute in this morning, warm too so long sleeve jersey And gilet did the job. Bike felt smooth to after it also had clean and fettle yesterday.


An average ride this morning, and a decent time despite the headwind. Did spot a funny though...

Close to work there's a narrow road, and 4 huge signs declare no motor vehicles except busses. To make the point there is a car trap, a big home about 2 feet deep, wider that a car but narrow enough a bus can traverse it. Today there was a UKMail Astra van nestling nose first in the hole, driver standing on looking bemused. Serves him right in my view - if he can't see four 10 foot tall road signs then with eyesight ( or observation skills) that bad he has no place on the Queens highway.

afaik any excuse

View: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_Cw0QJU8ro


A Human Being
Sort of ended up involved in some SCR with a guy on a single speed, seemed to tack umbridge at being overtaken by someone on a tourer. He overtook me at a set of lights and I had the entertaining sight of watching him spin like crazy as I freewheeled down a small drop then returned the overtaking favour:wacko: .
Also upset some motorcyclist who attempted to undertake me as I approached a left turn I was taking, he had to brake fairly hard when he realised that when someone has their left arm horizontal pointing out to the side it usually means they maybe about to turn left:tongue: .


Here for rides.
****ing, *******ing ****ing **** in a **** Ford piece of **** FeckArse, in the middle of the ****ing road straddling the ****ing white line WHILST ON HER CHUFFING MOBILE PHONE, ****, wrecked my max rpm sprint to the chevron ramp on the way home. ****.

Other than that it was really rather lovely. :whistle:

Hip Priest

Nearly knocked off tonight. Car decided to turn into my lane as I was passing, causing me to swerve. Turned to remonstrate with the driver at the next set of lights and he just sat shaking his head at me. I'd have been happy with a raised hand of apology.


Received a 'punishment pass' from a 4x4 Mits. LS200 pick up -

I am afraid I "effed" rather a lot - given this guy was younger than me, I think he didn't expect the ranting looney in lycra. Must say had he said anything else I'd have dragged him out the van !

Gotta be careful with the L200's, they seem to attract knuckledraggers....
Another good ride in(eg no wind or rain or people trying to kill me) .Had the first instance of another cyclist coming the other way seeing me and then looking at her watch as I was early and normally pass in a different spot. Next thing I will be trying STrada segments. I only noticed as she was one of the LuLLy (Luscious Lycra Lady) that is on my commute route and far better to watch out for than the usual fare of yard workers in Highviz work jackets and steel toe capped boots.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Wet again !! Just fitted new pads as my existing ones vanished last week. Had another 'deflation' less than half a mile from home - the dodgy Conti tube - thought it was the valve, but there was a dirty big piece of glass in the tyre. Patch now sticking as I type !


Here for rides.
Weird. It was chucking it down and ruddy freezing when I put the bins out at six thirty. Left at seven twenty, within five mins the sky was blue, thus sweated cobs on the way in in just a jersey and windshell. Think my tyres need pumping up though, the Plug has suddenly become comfortable which means a snakebite won't be long in coming.

Got to work to find a person of the female persuasion has attempted a takeover of the previously all male user unisex shower room. Pink running gear everywhere and a pair of tiny running shoes atop the radiator. Grrrr.


My Armchair
Got called a d-head this morning from 2 scally types walking down the road.
Reason? Because I had lights on and it was 'daylight' :scratch:
It was 7.20 and wet.
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