Tales from today's commute....

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I know where my towel is
Extended last nights commute by a whole extra mile (23 miles instead of 22 miles :laugh: ) to take advantage of the sun being out, but I had forgotten that while it is only an extra mile, that extra mile is a bit more of a climb. :sweat:

Another chilly ride in this morning, fairly uneventful apart from one idiot van driver.

He didn't like that I had filtered in front of him while he was stopped at the traffic lights.
He tried and failed badly to boot it round the outside of me (to save 0 precious seconds as I was keeping up with traffic ahead) and then put on his left indicators while not even halfway past me, but as I had already taken a strong position he was forced to stop and he was the one then the out of position and holding up other traffic (I could also hear him swearing, but, it was his own fault for being impatient).

It was a bit of a silly manouvere for him to be pulling at this roundabout http://goo.gl/maps/p7q9J
Day n'th of commuting bliss - One of my fastest commutes for a while 5.5 miles in under 22min, expected my legs to feel jaded after last nights TT but they were still full of life :smile:


What’s the point
ride home was better than the ride in yesterday. Saw a Bamboo bike going along Hackney road from Shoreditch to Cambridge Heath had a quick chat with the rider.

todays ride in was better- no achy legs but I am off my old pace still - must be all the pasties and cider I consumed in Cornwall.

Amanda P

Legendary Member
My route to work obliges me to use, or to cross (which is no better) a major trunk road to the coast.

During the school holidays, it's frequently stationary or crawling - crawling traffic actually makes it harder to join at the junctions, because the convoys of traffic join up and all move along nose to tail. And the drivers in one stream of traffic can't seem to understand that no matter how nice and considerate they're being, it's pointless flashing to let someone turn right out of a side road in front of them if they can't actually do so because of the traffic coming they other way.... anyway...

We're now getting to that period of the year when the crawling caravan procession to/from the coast intersects with tractors and trailers or articulated tippers full of grain and oilseed trying to get from fields to farms or farms to grain stores.

It's not fun.:sad:


Legendary Member
Bit of a scary moment commuting home last night, of my own making - approaching a roundabout at the top of South Queensferry (entrance to Tesco, @HLaB will know where I'm talking about!) the rain had been coming down a bit heavier so I assume the road was greasy, 1 car waiting to join but I didn't see a car coming up from the other side until the last moment (dunno why, the signs were there) I pull on both brakes to stop except I didn't, stop. Rear started sliding and I kept going, ended up between the 2 cars on the roundabout whilst still trying to stay upright! Managed it without falling but it was a heart-in-mouth moment. The second car I think realised what had happened and was good enough not to have a go at me.

Not too soon after a golf pulled out in front of me without indicating at the chippy in Inverkeithing then drove really slowly before turning right - without indicating. Not sure if that was deliberate or if he was just thick. Hoo hum!
Bit of a scary moment commuting home last night, of my own making - approaching a roundabout at the top of South Queensferry (entrance to Tesco, @HLaB will know where I'm talking about!) the rain had been coming down a bit heavier so I assume the road was greasy, 1 car waiting to join but I didn't see a car coming up from the other side until the last moment (dunno why, the signs were there) I pull on both brakes to stop except I didn't, stop. Rear started sliding and I kept going, ended up between the 2 cars on the roundabout whilst still trying to stay upright! Managed it without falling but it was a heart-in-mouth moment. The second car I think realised what had happened and was good enough not to have a go at me.

Not too soon after a golf pulled out in front of me without indicating at the chippy in Inverkeithing then drove really slowly before turning right - without indicating. Not sure if that was deliberate or if he was just thick. Hoo hum!
A car tried to take me out a few years ago in the same spot; its a crap design (dual carriageway from a supermarket!) and the gradient makes it hard to stop safely but if you go too carefully muppets left hook into the store :sad: I was approaching from South side (Airport Side), Tesco's on my left. Everyone in the right lane from Tesco gave way (as they should) but some idiot in the left lane decided to undertake them at speed and go straight on to the Rbt. Fortunately, I'm on the elevated / downhill approach and managed to see his roof behind the queue of cars and had just enough time to opt for puting the bike down on its side and sliding my wheels into him, rather than flying over the bonnet. Guess what he came out with the classic, Sorry Mate I Didn't See You! Thats because he was undertaking a queue of cars at a rbt, did he not think they were stopped for a reason :angry:

Sometimes with pull out like the Inverkeithing one it is a genuine observation mistake, they are distracted by their chips don't want to spill their drink etc and are oblivious to the outside world :sad:


Legendary Member
A car tried to take me out a few years ago in the same spot; its a crap design (dual carriageway from a supermarket!) and the gradient makes it hard to stop safely but if you go too carefully muppets left hook into the store :sad: I was approaching from South side (Airport Side), Tesco's on my left. Everyone in the right lane from Tesco gave way (as they should) but some idiot in the left lane decided to undertake them at speed and go straight on to the Rbt. Fortunately, I'm on the elevated / downhill approach and managed to see his roof behind the queue of cars and had just enough time to opt for puting the bike down on its side and sliding my wheels into him, rather than flying over the bonnet. Guess what he came out with the classic, Sorry Mate I Didn't See You! Thats because he was undertaking a queue of cars at a rbt, did he not think they were stopped for a reason :angry:

Sometimes with pull out like the Inverkeithing one it is a genuine observation mistake, they are distracted by their chips don't want to spill their drink etc and are oblivious to the outside world :sad:

...and a wide road which narrows before my right turn into the garage, a few hairy moments there too.

WTF is it with Inverkeithing?!? Miles of nothing-to-write-home-about then I have an "incident" there virtually every night - I doubt last night's driver even saw me gesticulating in his rear view mirror! Cockwomble is becoming a well worn phrase...


Label Required
WTF is it with Inverkeithing?!? Miles of nothing-to-write-home-about then I have an "incident" there virtually every night.
I'm assuming this is close to where you live/the end of your journey? Is it possible that you switch to autopilot at times? I'm only mentioning this, as I seem to have more issues within the last two miles of my commute and I wondered the same myself.
...and a wide road which narrows before my right turn into the garage, a few hairy moments there too.

WTF is it with Inverkeithing?!? Miles of nothing-to-write-home-about then I have an "incident" there virtually every night - I doubt last night's driver even saw me gesticulating in his rear view mirror! Cockwomble is becoming a well worn phrase...
I've done that right turn thousands of times and not had too many problems but it could be problematic. The best way I find to approach it, is exit the rbt at speed in the primary and that speed allows you to carry a strong secondary, transitioning gradually to the primary near the island before pulling off into the right turn pocket.

Cockwomble, from Inverkieithing, its the same thing; I think I can say that as a former resident ;)


Legendary Member
I'm assuming this is close to where you live/the end of your journey? Is it possible that you switch to autopilot at times? I'm only mentioning this, as I seem to have more issues within the last two miles of my commute and I wondered the same myself.

I get what you're saying and it's in the last 4-3 miles, though I'm probably more wary now as it's a transition from cycle path to main street, and as I've had problems there I'm looking out for them now. I don't think the locals take too kindly to commuters using their town as a "short-cut" even though it's cycle route number 1!


Legendary Member
I've done that right turn thousands of times and not had too many problems but it could be problematic. The best way I find to approach it, is exit the rbt at speed in the primary and that speed allows you to carry a strong secondary, transitioning gradually to the primary near the island before pulling off into the right turn pocket.

Cockwomble, from Inverkieithing, its the same thing; I think I can say that as a former resident ;)

Good advice, I think I am still too hesitant and tend to move to the left (white line) to let traffic past before having to move right at the faded yellow box before the turn, so I'm probably causing my own problems. It's a learning process this commuting malarkey!


Moortown, Leeds
I have this plonker cyclist on my route, you know the type with no shoulder checks, headphones in and jumps reds. Today he went through a red past me, as I caught up as he turned off not only did he have his earphones in but had a cig hanging out of his gob!! This chap looks middle class and middle aged and should know better than to jump reds.

Hip Priest

I have a new BB and rear wheel, so it was my first commute in months without wobbly cranks and a pringle-shaped rear wheel rubbing against the brakes. I must remember to keep on top of maintenance...


Legendary Member
I've done that right turn thousands of times and not had too many problems but it could be problematic. The best way I find to approach it, is exit the rbt at speed in the primary and that speed allows you to carry a strong secondary, transitioning gradually to the primary near the island before pulling off into the right turn pocket.

Cockwomble, from Inverkieithing, its the same thing; I think I can say that as a former resident ;)

Followed your advice tonight, got a good run at the roundabout so took a strong primary then kept a strong secondary up the hill before signalling and turning right, driver behind stayed back - he had no choice! So that was the good.

The bad was a teenager doing a 90 degree stop on the ferry road cycle path, just as I was positioned to overtake - luckily I had hands on the brakes.

The ugly was a Merc driver - in Inverkeithing...
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