Tales from today's commute....

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looks faster on the video than it felt at the time....



A Human Being
Another good day for being on two wheels.
No chain problems, fingers crossed^_^ .
Seemed to be that new SRAM chains use a lube which is very sticky and can cause problems, from what I have read on internet forums. Remembering back to the last time I changed it I am sure I cleaned and relubed before using the bike.
Day n'th of commuting Bliss - aka school holidays :smile:

The only down side was it being a Monday some of the cycle lanes hadn't been swept of glass but as the traffic was so light, it was easy to avoid.

I'm sure I also heard on my non existant radio that Cameron has clearly identified the link between the improving economy, the feel good factor and school holidays; and has announced the holidays are to be extendended by six weeks. I've never actually ever voted conservative but that gets my vote :rolleyes:

^^^^Same again, now if I can only get the PM to enforce the 2nd part :rolleyes:


What’s the point
1st ride in in nearly 3 weeks OMFG my legs have wasted away and I started to get calf cramp near the end of the 7 miles. must hire a bike on next holidays to ensure that doesn't happen again.


Legendary Member
Legs today felt the efforts of yesterday. Might be a gentle ride home tonight


Hi everyone my first post. Been cycling to work for about 8 weeks now about 9 miles each way.
Had first fall yesterday came off on the canal going through a narrow long tunnel. Usually cycle through it carefully and have been ok till yesterday. Think I'll be walking through it from now on. Some nice cuts and bruises but I'm not giving up.


My Armchair
Forgot what it was like to be riding home at 10pm, the aromas from the take-outs and kebab shops are not good for a weak-willed dieter like me :hungry:

Noticed 2 more colleagues have taken to two wheels, it must be a nearly 10% of the workforce that are on bikes now :thumbsup:


I know where my towel is
Hi everyone my first post. Been cycling to work for about 8 weeks now about 9 miles each way.
Had first fall yesterday came off on the canal going through a narrow long tunnel. Usually cycle through it carefully and have been ok till yesterday. Think I'll be walking through it from now on. Some nice cuts and bruises but I'm not giving up.

Glad to hear you didn't end up in the canal. Cuts, bruises and a soaking would have made for a slighlty less pleasurable commute.
Although it would have been good practice for the winter commuting.


Über Member
First time in months I decide to drive to work and all the electricity appears to have fallen out of my car. Back to the trusty bike then....


Forgot what it was like to be riding home at 10pm, the aromas from the take-outs and kebab shops are not good for a weak-willed dieter like me :hungry:

I find that's the hardest part of my commute, going through Cambuslang it seems like every second shop is a takeaway and they all smell delicious! Plenty of Chinese, Indian and pizza joints, even the Subway was giving off the most amazingly pleasant aromas. It is tough when I am struggling along and getting these smells in my nose!
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