Tales from today's commute....

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Über Member
Very wet, thunder storm well underway when I left. But to be honest not much of a problem this time of year when it's warm, short sleeve jersey, shorts and over shoes. The only annoying thing was having to ride some sections on the pavement as the roads were flooded.


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
No choice, cars in the shop. Had to cycle 15 miles into work.
After the 1st 100yds I knew I’d have wussed out given the choice. Skys opened up and lighting up and that trickle down my back towards my..... saddle, lets me know this bike has no mudguards. 5 mins before I left, I was wondering if it was going to rain. It definitely made up it’s mind! Didn’t take long to realise there was no point glancing down to double check what gear I was in. Soon as I tried all the water flowed to the low point of my glasses. Strange how as soon as you’re soaked, the rain loses a lot of it’s power to make you uncomfortable? I actually enjoyed the ride, not often you get ‘fireworks’
Had a couple of fun bits.
1. Dual carriageway, riding wide as the entire LH lanes a lake, luckily no one decided to pass on the left.
2. Downhill approach to a roundabout, where I’m turning right. I’m at the right hand side of the lane, in the top cog doing 30mph+. I’m just thinking of starting to hit the brakes, arm out, indicating my intention at the RAB. There’s oncoming traffic, easily seen – straight road and headlights on. All of a sudden, the **** behind me floors it and goes for the pass. He’s the only one accelerating, the other two of us in the scenario are braking, pretty heavily. Really thought it was gonna be a head-on.
Anyway, got to work. Changed. Wrung out my clothes and currently looking for the best way to dry them. I didn’t consider this. It’s summer, so the radiators are off..... will they dry with just the airflow from a 6” clip fan?


Über Member
I came up the Busway Kev, didn't feel that good on the roads, some flash flooding in St Ives (Houghton Road, going past Hill Rise and Ramsey Road between the Seven Wives pub and the river).
I did see a few cyclists without lights on the roads - and some cars too.
Overshoes & waterproofs? May as well have not bothered! :rain:

Same here, my overshoes haven't seen daylight since the winter and I now remember that I need to get some new ones. Nice soggy feet. Everything else was fine though, saw a couple of brave souls but all those fair weather wimps were nowhere to be seen. Did you pass me going into histon where the new houses are, light green rucksack and continental shorts? We really must arrange a time to meet, my wife is starting a new job so I will be losing my morning cycle buddy :sad:


Warm, no rain, a couple of cars, no rain overnight, no thunder, no lightning, no other cyclists. The sun is still out, a few clouds in the sky in north Hampshire, it may turn later but hopefully I'll miss it.


Label Required
Did you pass me going into histon where the new houses are, light green rucksack and continental shorts?
Not me, I was on the winter/wet weather bike today - for all the good it did me! But I think I know the guy you're talking about - white Giant Defy? He's pretty quick!
my wife is starting a new job so I will be losing my morning cycle buddy :sad:
Grounds for divorce, surely?
We really must arrange a time to meet,
Sounds good - we are usually at Swavesey GBW for 07.20 ish, so Longstanton 5 or so minutes later....


Here for rides.
Flip the good weather turns some people into boorish ejits behind the wheel of their wankpanzers. Nobber wanted me to pull over to the gutter through roadworks so he could put his box in the 5m gap between my front wheel and the 4x4 in front. And when I didn't he sat on my backwheel and rode his horn. Once out of the road works the whole queue stopped, brake lights blazing and I cruised up the outside and away.


Senior Member
Orpington, Kent
Oh Gawd, we had the same at 2am... but without the cat.. and the 3yo woke up wanting a bit of assurance.

Same here - but with 4 cats all in the bedroom! :biggrin:

Deleted member 1258

Managed to ride in this morning between the showers, raining when I got up but it stopped just before I left and started again just after I got to work, the dry ride home tonight was spoilt by a puncture a short distance from home, my first this year I think, bontrager race lite hardcases are almost bullet proof.


Middle of the pack...
S Yorks
Last 15mile leg of my 2 day commute and the returns uphill overall. Legs had gone at 12/13 miles. Cadence and gears were low. Then I got overtook by a guy on an mtb. SCR was on. Next mile saw the lead change 3 times, before I left him on a long ascent. :-)
Now I'm knackered. I feel an early night is in order......


Über Member
Well I wimped out today and took the car to work, its was 7am and it look more like midnight it was that dark, had thunder and lightning in the distance, and then the heavens opened, never seen so much rain for a long time,
The lightning must had been a couple of miles away in Manchester city centre as it hit Piccadilly railway station


My Armchair
Thunder and lightning as I was leaving home this morning, got a bit soaked :rain:

Expecting more of the same coming home but thankfully it was sunny spells instead, only down side was I hadn't taken my sunglasses so was squinting all the way home :angry:


Über Member
Thankfully the rain stopped in Cambridge just in time for my ride home, second day in a row with a nice little tailwind.

I discovered today though that I must be right on the very edge in terms of eating enough throughout the day (and eating the right stuff too). Due to having to arrange clothes for optimum drying when I got to work, I only had 3 or 4 mouthfuls of my usual massive bowl of porridge. Then lunch was shop bought white bread instead of homemade wholemeal bread. Also due to logistical problems with purchasing appropriate sandwich fillings I had corner shop cheapest white cheese, the stuff that bends like rubber. All this meant that I really felt drained and empty when I set off home and was soooo slooooowwww compared to yesterday. I'm sat at home now enjoying a hot chocolate trying to get my strength back up.

I think I need to keep a stock of extra snacks at work for situations like this to give a boost on the ride home if my normal eating strategy gets disrupted, something good and wholesome too. Any suggestions?
I came up the Busway Kev, didn't feel that good on the roads, some flash flooding in St Ives (Houghton Road, going past Hill Rise and Ramsey Road between the Seven Wives pub and the river).
I did see a few cyclists without lights on the roads - and some cars too.
Overshoes & waterproofs? May as well have not bothered! :rain:

Respect mate for going in on the bike, I think if the MTB was ready with the mud guards I would have gone dawn the bus way, but I vowed never to go down it when its wet cause it makes the bike so dirty with all that really fine sand stuff !and I really can't be bothered to strip the bike at the weekend to get all the water out the frame !
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